Whom are the subject of a covenant?
God and his chosen people
What is the order of the fulfillment of the prophesy? Give reference verse
Betrayal, Destruction, Salvation (2 Thess 2:1-3)
Why do the chosen people not understand the prophecy?
It is sealed until an appointed time
Matt 24 describes the end of what?
The end of Jerusalem
What is the duty of the another counselor promised by Jesus?
Testify to Jesus' words, that is, the fufillment of the New Testament prophecies
Why did God have to create a new thing?
Chosen people broke the covenant and to create God's children born of God and not of Adam's seed
Who destroyed (1) physical Israel at the 1st coming and (2) spiritual Israel at the 2nd coming?
(1) Pharisees and Teachers of the Law
(2) 7H + 10H Beast
When the prophecy is sealed, what do people end up teaching?
Rules/traditions of men
What is the Jerusalem that comes to an end at the 2nd coming?
Temple of the 7 stars and 7 golden lampstands who prepare the way
Which trumpet is the trumpet of salvation?
The 7th (last) trumpet
Why does God show heaven in the spiritual world to his pastor?
For God's pastor to build God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven
What is (1) God's purpose and (2) Satan's purpose?
(1) Creating the kingdom in the physical world where He will dwell
(2) Destroying the kingdom in the physical world where God will dwell
What is the result of (1) keeping the covenant and (2) breaking the covenant?
(1) Receive blessings and be victorious against the enemy (flee in 7 ways)
(2) Receive curses and be defeated before the enemy (flee in 7 ways)
Who are the reality of the elect that are gathered?
The 12 tribes that are harvested and sealed
Who is the advocate in flesh who speaks on behalf at the time of revelation?
New John (Rev 1:1-2)
testifies on behalf of God and JesusWho are those that are harvested and what is their reality?
Those born of God's seed; 12 tribes on Mt. Zion
To repent (Isa 1:16-20)/ will be destroyed
What is the New covenant we must keep today?
Prophecies of Revelation
“So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Matt 24:15-16
Who are the (1) betrayers, (2) destroyers and (3) those who receive salvation as described in Matt 24?
(1) Holy place that betrays
(2) abominaction that causes desolation
(3) those who flee to the mountain (Mt. Zion)
What happens at the sound of the 7th trumpet?
The kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of God, Resurrection and Eternal life (Rev 11:15)
What are the 8 steps of creation and recreation?
1. Selection of a pastor 2. Creation of a kingdom 3. Covenant with the chosen people 4. The betrayal of the covenant by the chosen people and destruction 5. Selection of a new pastor 6. Judgment and salvation 7. Creation of a new kingdom 8. New covenant
As prophesied in Isa 2, where will all nations stream to and why?
Mt. Zion because that is where the law/word of the Lord will stream from
How is the revelation delivered at the 2nd coming?
God --> Jesus --> Angel --> John --> Servants
What is the (1) food at the proper time and (2) who is the faithful and wise servant that gives this food?
(2) New John, Overcomer (Rev 10, Rev 2:17)
Who are those who take part in the first resurrection? Give reference
Those who had been beheaded for the testimony (Martyrs) + those who did not worship the beast or its image (Rev 20:4-6)