Lessons 11-12 Conditionals
Lessons 13-14 - Review/two-word verbs
Lesson 15 - Prepositions
Lesson 18 - Review
Lesson 19 - Review

What is the Real or Automatic Conditional? What is the conjugation needed? (*two forms possible*) Give some examples if possible.

If/when + simple present... , simple present... = automatic result. E.g.: When it rains, the grass is wet.

If + simple present... , will + verb... = Real, possible situation in the future.

If I have time, I will go shopping.


What are two-word verbs/phrasal verbs? Give a definition and one example.

It is an expression composed of a VERB + a PREPOSITION. Go => Go up, go down, go back...


What are some examples of prepositions? Give 4 or 5 examples.

In, on, at, next to, near, beside...


Conversation: How long have you studied English? 

Answer with Present perfect.

I have studied English for...____ /since..._____.


Conversation: What movie/series have you watched recently? Try using Present perfect in your answer and describe it/them.

Answer using Present perfect.

I have watched... I have seen... 


What is an Unreal Conditional? What is the form/conjugation needed? Give some examples if needed.

If + simple past... , would/ could + verb... = Hypothetical situation.

If I had time, I would go to the party. (But I don't have time, so I will not go...)


Explain: Figure out, go back, wake up, pick up.

Figure out = find a solution

Go back = return, not where you are.

Wake up = awake from sleep

Pick up = offer a lift


Use three different prepositions to describe the people or things around you.

*multiple answers possible*

Next to me, there is...

On the table...

In front of the class, there is a teacher...


What are some key words/time markers for Present perfect? Name as many as you remember. Then, choose two of them to make an example for each.

For, since, recently, yet, already... never, ever...

I have not studied yet.

She has lived here since 1997.


Define these expressions: Call off, Put off, Take off (2).

Call off- cancel

Put off- postpone

Take off- remove clothes / leave by plane


Conversation! Answer the question. Use a full sentence. 

What would you do if you had an extra day in the week?

If I had an extra day in the week, I would relax... I would work more... I would take a vacation!


Fill in the blanks with a two-word verb:

1 For the next session, you need to _______ (register) for the class.

2 I need to ______ (offer a lift to someone) my friend tomorrow.

1 For the next session, you need to sign up (register) for the class.

2 I need to pick up (offer a lift to someone) my friend tomorrow.


Are these sentences correct? If there are mistakes, correct them.

1 I prefer working in night.

2 Christmas is on December.

1 I prefer working AT night.

2 Christmas is IN December.


Fill in the blanks with Simple past OR Present perfect:

Yesterday, she _____ (go) to her new neighbourhood grocery store. Recently, she ______ (go) to this new grocery store three times. She likes it.

Yesterday, she WENT (go) to her new neighbourhood grocery store. Recently, she HAS GONE (go) to this new grocery store three times. She likes it.


Re-arrange the following words:

have / eaten / recently / snack / my / I.

I have recently eaten my snack.


Conjugate with the necessary conjugation for this structure: 

If I ________ (not have) the time, I would not help you. 

If I didn't/did not have, I would not help you.


Explain the differences between Present perfect and Simple past. Give some examples or key words to help.

Present perfect -> no sense of time, experience, repetition, have/has + past participle.

Simple past -> finished, specific time, 2 days ago, yesterday...


Fill in the blanks with a preposition of your choice:

1 I live ____ Talbot Boulevard.

2 She plays soccer ____ the weekend.

3 There are many parades ___ Easter.

1 ON

2 ON

3 AT


Is this sentence correct:

She has been to the store yesterday.

If it is not, please correct it.

No. Since the word Yesterday is mentioned, then we need to use the Simple past.

She went to the store yesterday.


Make a question with the following information:

How / people / invited / you / have / many / party / to / the / ?

How many people have you invited to the party?


Is this correct: 

If I were you, I would take the money and run.

If I were you = subjunctive verb To Be, so yes, it is correct. In spoken English, we can also say "If I was you...", but grammatically, that is incorrect.


Are these definitions correct:

Run into: drop an object

Get in: enter a boat, plane, train

Run into: meet by accident, by coincidence

Get in: enter a car


Conversation: Please describe how to get to the nearest grocery store from the class. Use as many prepositions and instructions as possible. Give details! 

*multiple answers possible*

You go to... You drive until... Then, you turn at the intersection...


Are these sentences correct? If not, correct the problem(s).

I have lived in Canada for 2021.

I have been here since 9 am.

1 No. I have lived in Canada SINCE 2021.

2 No mistake.


Choose the correct answer for the context:

The teacher ________ the information for the test.

A) go over

B) will goes over
C) has gone over

C) has gone over

The other options do not have the correct conjugation.