What must you do to get permission to speak in class?
Raise your hand and be called on
Define/demonstrate a single file.
One person directly behind the other. Staring at back of the head.
The first thing you do when you start an assignment
Write your name at the top right corner of FRONT page. (followed by date)
Where is the Homework Board?
Near the back teacher desk.
Level 1- When you hear the teacher's voice, you should _______ and _________.
Stop and listen
What is "Number Order"?
Alphabetical order for attendance or emergencies.
You are supposed to follow directions ______________. So we don't waste time.
What door do you enter the classroom?
East/ cloakroom
What can you do during SURF? (2)
- Write in your agenda
- Read a book
(Some other privileges may be introduced later in the year)
Where do you hand in work?
In the appropriate subject bin at back of class.
Level 1 did not work- what cue will Miss D give next...Level 2
Raises her hand. May even begin timing how long it takes to get your reaction...
What is a "sound off"?
Call out your class number. Used for field trips and outdoor learning.
I don't want any sore losers so one of my rules is to ______________________________________.
Be a team player
What must you do to use the bathroom?
Move your magnet
What can you do when you finish work early? (3)
- Homework
- Read a book
- Early finishers.
What goes in the green bins at back of class?
Your small school supplies- art supplies, geometry sets, duotangs, pencil cases.
Level 3
She's so mad she writes a message silently on the board.
What does S.U.R.F. stand for?
for FUN
You should ___________ others. Both teachers and students.
When are you allowed to get up out of your seat?
When the teacher is not talking, when instructional time is over, during group work.
What is the routine/ expectations for agendas? (4)
- Write in agenda at start of S.U.R.F.
- Check homework board.
- Double check you handed everything in on time for today.
- Remind your parents to sign your agendas.
*Late homework= late slip
Where will your binders go?
In shared cubby in the cloakroom
Level 4
Miss D has tried all of the above strategies. She's on anger mountain and is going to lecture you after school, or contact parents. Maybe both.
What is the U.F.A. bin?
How do you take responsibility for your actions?
Active listening. Acknowledge what you did wrong and act to correct your behavior. Actions over apologies.
When can you use the washroom (4)
- During work time (not at beginning of a lesson)
- Wait 10 minutes after bell (after attendance is finished)
- Not during last 10 minutes of day (you can wait until dismissal)
- Wait until the teacher is done talking/ giving instructions
What should you do first thing in the morning? (5)
- Leave chat outside the school
(Quiet when you enter the class)
- Hang up your coat/ bag.
- Pull out your homework, turn it in.
- Look at the schedule of the day
- Read the instructions on the board (Catching the calm, jumpstart, or instructions for a lesson).
What can you keep in your desk?
NOTHING. or a library book.
What makes a good day?
Listening and following transitions quickly so we get through our learning quickly and efficiently. This may lead to early dismissals/ fun breaks.