Complete the sentences with ONE word related to computers. - If you think an email has spyware or a virus, you should ____________ it immediately. - In case your computer crashes, it's a good idea to ____________ all your documents on an external hard drive or a USB memory stick.
delete - save
Choose the correct phrasal verb. When you live in a big city, you have to ____________ noise, traffic and pollution. a) bump into - b) put up with - c) come up with - d) hang around - e) calm down
b) put up with
Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as the first ones. - My sister started studying Maths at four o'clock. She's still studying it. (My sister ________________ Maths since four o'clock.) - My mum started cleaning the windows after lunch. Four windows are clean already. (My mum ________________ four windows since lunch.)
has been studying - has cleaned
Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as the first ones. -Tom can take care of himself. Bill can take care of himself too. (Tom and Bill can both ___________________.) -Nobody helped us - we did it on our own. (Nobody helped us - we did it ______________.)
take care of themselves - (by) ourselves
Complete the sentences with the CORRECT FORM of the words. Today's teenagers have to be _________ (trend). If they don't wear the most __________ (style) clothes, they will be called losers.
trendy - stylish
Complete the sentences. The first letter of each word is given. - What made him c___________ this awful crime? Was it the money? - There should be a stricter punishment for people who d__________ litter.
commit - drop
Choose two of the phrasal verbs below. Jon looks down on other people. If we don't do what he says, he __________ us _____. And if we do something wrong, he _______________ us. looks after - tells off - falls out with - makes up with - makes fun of
tells ... off - makes fun of
Put the jumbled words in the correct order to make a grammatically correct sentence. - self-centred / people / and / is / looks / on / down - (Megan ______________________________________.)
Megan is self-centred and looks down on people.
Choose ONE of the modal verbs in bracket and use it in the CORRECT form. - You ____________ tell anyone; it's secret! (must/ have to) - Since the accident, he _____________ speak. (could / be able to)
mustn't - hasn't been able to
Complete the sentences with the CORRECT FORM of the words. - It always takes me hours to choose what I want to buy. I am very ____________ (decide). - Tom is the most ____________ (rely) person I know. He will never disappoint you.
indecisive - reliable
Choose the odd-one-out in each group and explain why it doesn't fit. - destroy / survive / become extinct / wipe out --- - amphibian / mussel / reptile / mammal --- - eel / bat / crow / owl
survive - mussel - eel
Choose the correct phrasal verb. Turkish people _____________ about three million loaves of bread every five minutes which makes it their main food. a) make up - b) end up - c) look into - d) come across - e) get through
e) get through
Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. I _________ (write) an essay on ghosts when suddenly I _________ (hear) a loud noise from the kitchen. I ________ (go) to check - the window was open!
was writing - heard - went
Put the sentence in the correct order. cars / don't / jams / traffic / face / we / stop / using / will / we / terrible. (If ___________________________________________.)
If we don't stop using cars, we will face terrible traffic jams.
Complete the sentences with the CORRECT FORM of the words. -Be careful, that dog is very _____________ (aggression).It might bite you. -I think cats are more ______________ (independence) than dogs.
aggressive - independent
Choose from the words below to complete the gaps. -Many animals are in danger of _____________. -I finished university last year, I’m a ___________ now. candidate - decomposing - graduate - extinction
extinction - graduate
Put ONE word in each gap to make up a PHRASAL VERB. - I think the world is likely to __________ for disaster in the near future. - How much rubbish do you __________ away every day? - All that rubbish will __________ up in the dump if you don’t recycle more.
head - throw - end
Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the original sentences. - You won't pass your exam if you don't study hard. (Unless ____________________________________.) - I will pay you extra, but you have to do this project on time. (Provided ___________________________________.)
Unless you study hard, you won't pass your exam. / Provided (that) you you do this project on time, I will pay you extra.
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. - If I wasn't allergic to cats, I ____________ (have) at least two of them! - When you ____________ (arrive), we'll have dinner.
would have - arrive
Complete the sentences with the CORRECT FORM of the words. - Jackie is very ______________ (change), one minute she’s happy and the next she’s angry and then she’s sad! - Some people are very ______________ (cruelty) to animals, it’s terrible.
changeable - cruel
Choose one of the words for each sentence. - The river was RECYCLED / CONTAMINATED / DISPOSABLE by waste from a factory and all the fish died. - I’m only working here for a few weeks, it’s a TEMPORARY / PERMANENT / FULL-TIME job. - We’re looking for a camping SITE / STAY / EXCURSION. Is there one near here?
contaminated - temporary - site
Match the phrasal verbs 1-5 with the meanings a-e. 1. get through - 2. make up - 3. come across - 4. look into - 5. end up - a. examine - b. use - c. finally be in a situation - d. form - e. find
1- b / 2- d / 3- e / 4- a / 5- c /
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. - That bag must be heavy. Wait a second, I __________ (hold) the door open for you. - Look at that cat watching one of those birds. He ____________ (attack) it in a minute! - A: What are you going to do with the money you won on the lottery? B: I want to see the world. In fact, I ______________ (fly) to Japan at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning!
will hold - is going to attack - am flying -
Transform the sentence to REPORTED SPEECH. Tim to Jane: "Are you listening to me?"
Tim asked Jane if (/whether) she was listening to him.
The television is my favourite ____________ (invent) because you can learn so much from it! I watched a documentary about ___________ (criminal) last night. It was about teenagers who had been arrested for anti-social ___________ (behave), such as vandalism. These teens often made bad ___________ (decide) about what to do in difficult situations.
invention - crime - behavior - decisions