How to Read a Book was written by this author
Who is Mortimer J. Adler
Things you do do when being an inspectoral reader.
What is reviewing the table of contents, the back of the book, the dust jacket, index, reading slowly the prologue or introduction and skimming the book, dipping in and out from time to time.
The elephant and the rider are represented by these two things
What are our emotions and our logic?
What is the acronym for your Unique Selling Proposition?
Wal-Mart averages this amount in profit every hour
What is 1.8 Million?
This leadership book on habits was the first of many from the author Steven R. Covey
What is The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People
What is six?
You shouldn't go below this gross profit margin and this net profit margin
What is 50%+ gross and 10%+ Net?
What is the acronym for Software as a Service?
The best-selling trademarked product of all time
What is the Rubik's Cube?
Don't judge this book by its cover, it is one of the most important business books diving into the theory of constraints
What is The Goal?
What is one of the main goals of an intellectual reader?
What is to gain understanding?
In your business story, your business is this character.
Who is the guide?
What is the acronym for Customer Acquisition Cost?
The percentage of small businesses owned and operated by a single person?
What is 70%?
The Customer is the Hero.
What is Storybrand?
These are the levels of reading
What are Elementary reading, Inspectoral reading, Analytical reading and Synoptical reading
What is designing a system to create the best customer experience, discovering what your customer wants, and adding 1% more regularly?
What is the acronym for Cost of Goods Sold?
One in eight American workers have been employed by this company.
What is McDonald's?
Multiple case studies of successful businesses that started with little to no money.
What is The $100 Startup?
1. Classify the book
2. State what the whole book is about
3. Enumerate is major parts
4. Define the problems the the author is trying to solve.
What is X-raying a book?
These are what are known as our personal saboteurs
What is the acronym for Customer Lifetime Value?
Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Audi, Ducati, and Porsche are all owed by this car company.
What is The Volkswagen Group
YouTube broadcasts about this percentage of the U.S.'s multimedia entertainment
What is 33% or a third?