Aid, Climate, & Bonus
Humanitarian Issues

A model pictures reality by simplifying it. Stats are useful but do not show how things work together



a country is better off at producing what it is best at and exchanging its products with countries in return for things it is not good at. 

Frieden's description of comparative advantage


Mesquita's empirical implications for aid

1. aid primarily provided by countries with large winning coalitions

2. most aid goes to countries with small winning coalitions

3. when aid foes to large winning coalition country, it is unusually large


Leeds argument for the violation of alliance agreements

costs are comparatively low and factors have changed since the formation of the agreement


Rough terrain, foreign sanctuary, distance, and political instability

Conditions that favor insurgency and in turn cause civil war according to Fearon


To give meaning/motivation to the scientific method

the function of theory according to the Elements of Science


Rho and Tomz argument

there is a connection between economic interests and policy preferences. most voters do not understand protectionism so it is hard for them to choose a policy. college grads use cues for self interest while people without a degree use cues for altruism


Short term efficacious intervention may have few long term benefits

Moyo's micro-macro paradox


1. aggressors underestimate the willingness of the status quo powers to fight (WWII)

2. states exaggerate each other's hostility when their differences are bridgeable (WWI)

Examples of misperceptions leading to war according to Jervis


Is justice possible in the international system according to Simmons and Hyrean?

1. ICC ratification reduces intentional civilian killing by governments but not rebel forces

2. ICC action reduces behavior by both governments and rebels

self help and power politics do not follow causally from anarchy since anarchy is what states make of it. IA structures are based on collective meaning and people act towards objects on the basis of meaning

Wendt and the constructivist principle


Davis reasoning for why states adjudicate

To manage domestic political pressure and pursue international cooperation. a constrained executive is more likely to adjudicate



domestic cleavages underline mass attitude toward climate policy (pollutive industry worker-> 7% less likely to support climate policy)


States have a range where they are both better off to compromise than go to war. However, incomplete info (Kuwait invasion)/commitment problem (Golan Heights)/indivisibility (Jerusalem) can weaken this range. Additionally, if states are outside of the range, they will prefer war. 

the Bargaining Model


1. Peters (trade)

2. Hainmeuller (domestic economic concerns)

3. noneconomic issues (culture and race)

Reasons for immigration policy and public opinion


Cooperation after hegemony is possible through regimes

Keohane, liberalism


Trade reshaped US industry-> uncertainty for individuals



We have an interest in environmental cooperation because the environment is a non-excludable rival good. However, individual actions have little effect on the global ecosystem and people tend to free ride

Tragedy of the Commons


Sagan's nuclear weapons as political objects argument

The consensus view of nuclear weapons is dangerously inadequate. Instead, states build nukes for a plethora of reasons: security (strategic chain reaction WWII), domestic (India), and norms (France). Furthermore, states disarm when there is a reduction in threats (Ukraine and South Africa)


1. Moral obligations lead people to support humanitarian intervention

2. peacekeepers help maintain peace

3. changing normative context influence

1. Kreps

2. Fortna

3. Finnemore


the goal of the state is to be the hegemony. the international system involves defensive states with opposition to the status quo within anarchy

Mearsheimer's offensive realism


less trade Barries leads to economic growth

free trade


Terrorism frequently delivers to the desired response so it is a form of costly signaling



Normative prohibition explains the non-use of nuclear weapons. Nukes are a taboo



Governments will not honor treaties when it is not in their interest. Governments join treaties as a low-cost opportunity to rationally express themselves or to gain benefits.

The Theory of Compliance according to Simmons