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Kaya ko ba to??
Bahala na si Batman

It is a form of Political System that gives the power to the people, either directly or through elected officials. 

- Secular Totalitarianism

- Theocratic Totalitarianism

- Democracy

- Democracy


It is one of the strategy that offers offers a more realistic alternative for protecting the firm against exchange risk. This strategy includes all methods of "hedging" against exchange rate changes.  

- Risk Transfer

- Risk Adaptation

- Risk Avoidance 

- Risk Adaptation


In Hofstede's cultural dimensions, this dimension refers to the degree to which a society values long-standing traditions and avoids uncertainty.

- Power Distance

- Uncertainty Avoidance

- Masculinity 

- Uncertainty Avoidance


It is one of Trompernaars's seven dimensions of culture that focuses on taking care of oneself vs looking out for the rest of the group.

- Universalism vs. Particularism 

- Neutral vs. Emotional

- Individualism vs. Collectivism 

- Individualism vs. Collectivism 


It is simply a mechanism through which transactions can be made between one country's currency and another's.

- Foreign Exchange Market

- Exchange Rate 

- Financial Market 

- Foreign Exchange Market


It is a form of Political System that puts the power on one individual or political party. This party controls all aspects of running the country and could either recognize or suppress other parties. 

- Democracy


- Market Driven Economy. 

- Totalitarianism


How many cultural dimensions did the Globe researchers identify?

- 7

- 5

- 9

- 9


This Dimension refers to the difference between individuals who keep their work life and private life strictly separated, and others who tend to allow them overlap.

- Neutral vs. Emotional

- Specific vs. Diffuse

- Achievement vs. Ascription

- Specific vs. Diffuse


The average annual growth rate of Philippine exports from 2010 to 2020.

- 4.2%

- 6.5%

- 8.9%

- 6.5%


It is a key player in the international financial market, alongside central banks, with significant influence on global financial rules.

International Financial  System

- International Monetary Fund

- International Financial Fund 

International Monetary Fund 


This dimensions of Hofstede's cultural framework relates to the degree of acceptance of hierarchical authority in a society.

- Individualism 

- Power Distance

- Masculinity 

- Power Distance


Which of the following does not include in the Globe dimension? 

- Future Orientation

- Agreement

- Humane Orientation

- Agreement


According to the Philippine Statistic Authority, the biggest export of the country in the year 2023 is?

- Coconuts

- Gold

- Electronic Products

- Electronic Products


It is a company whose size falls below a certain limit measures of size (e.g. number of employees) and can vary by country and industry.

- Small and Midsize Enterprises

- Private Organization

- Corporation

- Small and Midsize Enterprises


These are the duties performed by the international monetary fund, except one: 

- Secure Financial Stability 

- Promote Commerce and Trade Between Nations

- Facilitate International Trade

- Promote Commerce and Trade Between Nations