This is where the Port of Entry can be found.
What is the Visa Stamp?
These documents are sent to initial students with their I-20.
What are the welcome letter, visa tips, and new student checklist?
This is how far in advance can we start creating I-20s for an upcoming semester.
What is 5 months?
International students need to report their employment this often.
What are every 6 months or every time there is a change in their employment?
This is the location of the International Services Office.
What is MC 276?
These documents are needed in order to check in international students.
What are the passport, visa, signed I-20, I-94, and any dependent immigration documents?
This is required when international students leave the country.
What is the travel signature?
This is the amount an international student generally need to have in their deposit before an I-20 can be issued.
What is $4,000 or $6,000?
These majors can extend their OPT.
What are STEM majors?
This is what PDSO stands for.
What is Principle Designated School Official?
The number of online credits that International students can take.
What are 3 credits or 1 online class?
This is needed when sending I-20s to Brazil.
What is the CPF Number?
The form student's need to fill out when their I-20 is set to expire.
What is an extension request?
International students are ineligible for OPT if they have worked full-time this many days.
What is 365 days?
This template needs to be applied before students can get a job on campus.
What is the immigration history template?
New International students are required to report to International Services within this amount of time during their first semester.
What are 30 days?
These 5 things need to be written on physical mail log.
What are the student's name, I-number, description of what is being sent, date sent, and FE or RM?
This is what international students receive when they change their major.
What is an updated I-20?
The amount the OPT application costs.
What is $410?
This is what DSO stands for.
What is Designated School Official?
These documents are needed in order to correct an I-94.
What are copies of their passport, visa, I-94, and I-20?
Hong Kong's area code.
What is 00000?
Students that have forgotten their I-20 when coming into the U.S. may receive this document.
What is the I-515 form?
Canadians or Mexicans can apply for this visa if they want to continue working after school or after their OPT.
What is a TN visa?
This is the best place to work in the world.
What is International Services?