Big Ideas
Why Bother
Working Together
The Big Kahuna
Neat Networks
Through the spread of democracy, economic interdependence, and international institutions, states can find a path towards a peaceful world.
What is Liberalism
A signal to commit to reform by setting in place mechanisms to increase the cost of defecting/cheating.
What are Credible Commitments
Multiple countries, working together, to achieve common objectives.
What is Multilateralism
Many states that benefit from institutions often don't provide much funding or resources.
What is the Free Rider Problem
An organization where a state is not a member.
What is an NGO
By bringing in the study of gender, this branch of theory in particular highlights the unique burdens placed upon women by current international economic rules.
What is Feminism
Regional institutions manifest a desire to create a regional superstate, in order to help with defense.
What is Federalist Ideology
Numerous layers of inter-state interactions that lead to concrete problem solving mechanisms between states.
What is Global Governance
Any of numerous ideas in regard to changing the United Nations in ways that make it a more effective actor in the world system.
What is UN Reform
The watchdog role of an NGO.
What is Monitoring
A stable global system comes from a strong hegemonic power.
What is Hegemonic Stability Theory
The use of institutions in order to act as providers of information, coordination, and planning of regional economies.
What is Technocratic Management
Patterns of behavior or beliefs that are repeated over time and lead to common behavior.
Organizations where states come together to solve their problems.
What is an IGO
Certain organizations are able to participate in the UN Economic and Social Council because of this.
What is Article 71
Common interests and shared needs encourage states to build institutions, connecting international authority with the fulfillment of state needs.
What is Functionalism
The savings in transaction costs and the benefits of an organizational structure that occur when many similar activities are bundled together. Can lead to economies of scale (Think insurance companies).
What is Pooling
A form of regional diplomacy where states interactions are often informal, in the pursuit of consensus based, non conflict ways of problem solving. Positive inter-state relations are highlighted, whereas the discussion of potential sources of conflict are discouraged.
What is the ASEAN Way
When regional institutions make decisions and policies primarily fueled by government leaders or bureaucrats rather than reflecting voters in member countries.
What is the Democratic Deficit
Carefully identifying court cases and assisting in their completion in order to make major changes in law.
What is Strategic Litigation
Interconnecting rules, norms, and ways of making decisions that create interweaving layers of organization and regulating procedures between states.
What is Regimes/Regime Theory
Structuring repeated inter-state behavior in institutionalized environments...can lead to the reinforcement of norms in how states behave with each other.
What is Centralization
When activists experience the violence of a repressive state, they seek external actors who can apply pressure to the repressive state and assist in achieving activists' goals.
What is The Boomerang Pattern
All actors outside of the state or market forces seeking to have an impact on the world system.
What is Civil Society
Nontraditional international actors strategically acting together to advocate change and pressure more powerful organizations and governments.
What are Transnational Advocacy Networks