The main actors in Realism
What are States?
The main actors in Liberalism
What are individuals and institutions?
The main actors in constructivism
What are Ideas, transnational activist networks and NGOs?
The main actors in Post Colonialism
What are the Center and Periphery States?
The main actors in Marxism
What is Social classes?
This type of Sum in Realist Economic Theory
What is Zero Sum? - not everyone can win
This type of sum in Liberal Economic Theory
What is Positive Sum? - everyone can benefit if there is cooperation
The definition of Eurocentrism
What is the assumption all societies revolve around Europe and if not, they should or will?
This is who gains in Post Colonial Economic Theory
What is the Wealthy western states?
This type of sum of Marxism Economic Theory
What is zero sum? - not everyone can win
This is how realists view international law?
What is they see is as something that cannot be enforced on powerful countries?
This is the Liberal IR Theory's view on International Organizations
What is IOs provide collective goods for the benefit of people in all states?
This is the constructivism view of IOs
What is IOs can shape politics and what is socially acceptable at an international level?
This is the view do Marxism and Post Colonialism share about the global economy
What is Capitalism is a main organizing structure for world politics and it has exploitative tendencies?
This is the Marxist view of IOs
What is viewing IOs as reinforcing the global capitalist system?
This is how Realists view International Organizations
What is states use IOs as a tools for states to achieve their interests?
These three factors that work together according to the liberal view to create peace
What is International Organizations, Democracies and Economic Interdependence?
This world event is how constructivism got its big break.
What is the end of the cold war?
This is the Bandung Conference
What is the a conference in Indonesia to discuss the role of third world countries in cold war world, economic development, and decolonization?
These are the three zones of the World Systems Theory.
What is the Core, The Periphery and the Semi-Periphery?
The definition of comparative advantage and what a benefit of it is
What is Countries specialize in what they are good at and trade with other countries for what other countries are good at. It is very efficient.
This is Kant's view on republics
What is in republics people make the decisions, people value peace therefore there would be less war?
This is the definition Institutional Isomorphism
What is states that share the same environment will become more similar overtime?
This is Colonialism's critique of liberal and realist theories
What is that Realist and Liberal views assume all states are the same?
This is the definition of Economic determinism specific to capitalism.
What is the idea that all parts of society are based on economics processes, specifically between Capital (wealth/owners) and labor (workers/who create the wealth)?