Canadian International Trade Agreements
Calgary Trade Facts
Alberta Exports
Logistics and Transportation
International Knowledge

Canada, the United States, and Mexico are partners in this trade agreement, often referred to by its acronym- Canada, the United States, and Mexico are partners in this trade agreement, often referred to by its acronym

What is CUSMA? Canadian United States Mexico Agreement


This Calgary brand was made popular with the use of YYC on its clothing.

Who is Local Laundry


This natural resource, often referred to as "black gold," holds the title of Alberta's number one export by value.

What is crude oil?


This Canadian city is a major transportation hub and home to the country's busiest airport, connecting global cargo flows.

What is Toronto?


This European country is known for its medieval castles, picturesque landscapes, and is often referred to as the "Land of a Thousand Lakes."

What is Finland?


The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) is a trade agreement between Canada and this international organization.

What is the European Union?


This partner organization goes by the acronym, TCS.

Who is the Trade Commissioner Service?


This Government of Alberta grant supports companies fund missions and business trips to international markets?

What is the Alberta Export Expansion Program (AEEP)?


Canada's largest and busiest container port, facilitating trade with Asia and other international destinations.

What is the Port of Vancouver?


This United States city is known as the "The City of Fountains". For the Swifties out there, Taylor Swifts boyfriend plays for this cities football team

What is Kansas City?


The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) originated from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) after the withdrawal of this major economy.

What is the United States?


This city is home to Canada's largest inland port. This strategic hub offers businesses significant tax benefits, reduced duties and streamlined custom processes, making it easier for companies to import and export goods. 

Who is Calgary?


Alberta has been exporting malting barley to breweries in this European country, known for its beer culture.

What is Germany ?


The CanAmex corridor is a key transportation route connecting Alberta to this neighboring country.

What is the United States?



With the help of the U.S., it broke away from Colombia and declared independence on Nov. 3, 1903

What is Panama?


Canada has access to 1.5 billion consumers, through this number of free trade agreements. 

What is 15 FTA's?


*Daily Double*
This city has been a Sister City to Calgary since 1997 and has been a trade mission partner for the last 3 years.

 Who is the City of Phoenix?


Renewable energy products are gaining prominence in Alberta's exports. Can you name a specific type of renewable energy product exported by the province?

What are wind turbines or solar panels?


In a significant development for Canada's rail industry, Calgary headquartered, CP announced a merger with this major U.S. railway company.

What is Kansas City Southern (KCS)?


This country is known to have the most ancient pyramids

What is Sudan?


Established by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand in 1967, this regional intergovernmental organization now includes 11 partner nations, with Canada becoming an associate dialogue partner in 1977.

Who is ASEAN? 


How many cohorts of the Trade Accelerator Program has Calgary Economic Development hosted to date?

What is 36?


Alberta is a key player in the export of forestry products. Can you name two specific types of wood products exported by Alberta

What is wood pulp and lumber?


This remote Arctic shipping route, often considered a potential "Polar Silk Road," has gained attention for its potential impact on global logistics, connecting Canada to international trade routes.

What is the Northwest Passage?


The five traditional carpet designs along the hoist make up the flag of this country....

What is Turkmenistan?