Women in Jewish Text
First Women
Songs with "Woman" In It
Pop Culture

Left her home and family to help her husband Abraham found a people and a homeland in Israel

Who is Sarah


The first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean.

Who is Amelia Earhart


This woman was arrested in 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama for refusing to give her seat on the bus to a white passenger.

Who is Rosa Parks


"Yeah, to feel the way I feel / Man! I feel like a woman!

Who is Shania Twain, Man! I Feel like a Woman!


The name of Beyonce’s album released in 2008 is called “I Am _____ ______.”

What is Sasha Fierce?


Risked her life to save the Jewish people by appearing unsummoned before King Ahasuerus and revealing Haman’s plot

Who is Esther


One of the first, most renowned and most discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust

Who is Anne Frank


What is the name of the most well know Underground Railroad conductor, also known as “Moses?”

Who is Harriet Tubman


"You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied”

Who is Hamilton, Satisfied


As a teenager, Caribbean pop star ________ turned to singing as a release from her troubles at home. She formed a girl group with two classmates; when they were 15 years old

Who is Rihanna.


Warned her husband David that his son was trying to take his kingdom and told him to declare Solomon as the rightful heir to the throne

Who is Bathsheba


First African-American to win a Nobel Prize for Literature

Who is Toni Morrison


In 1873, pioneering women's rights leader Susan B. Anthony went on trial for doing this.

What is voting in a Presidential election.


“You make me feel like a natural woman”

Who is Aretha Franklin, Natural Woman


The current tennis US Open champion

Who is Naomi Osaka


What is the name of Moses' sister? 

Who is Miriam


The first observed national Women's Day in the United States.

What is February 28, 1909.


As part of her commitment to finding an end to war, this American woman served as president of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom from 1919 to 1929

Who is Jane Addams


“I’m a grown woman / I can do whatever I want”

Who is Beyonce, Grown Woman


American comedian, television host (of her own TV show since 2003), actress, writer, producer, and LGBT activist

Who is Ellen DeGeneres


The name of Moses' wife

Who is Tziporah


The first Latina woman appointed to the Supreme Court.

Who is Sonia Sotomayor


The Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote in national elections. It was also known as the _________ Amendment, named after one of the most famous suffragettes in American history.

What is the Anthony Amendment


“Hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have / But I have it”

Who is Lana Del Rey, hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it


Starred as Ann Perkins on the NBC comedy series Parks and Recreation (and fun fact: raised in Reform Judaism, and went to Harvard)

Who is Rashida Jones