Should you let people bully you by saying mean words or threats.
No delete them or block them.
What is 1 good websites to use?
Wikipedia, or Kid Rex
Should you tell someone you met on the internet where you live?
No, that is unsafe and they could be lieing about their identindy.
A person asked you for your password to your google around do you give it to them?
No, don’t give it to anyone!
What is it called if someone offers to give you a prize or something if you give hem personal information.
A scam
Who do you tell if some one is Ciber Bullying you?
A teacher, parent or a trusted adult
If adds come up or are on the side of a website you are using do you click on them or do you X out of them.
You X out of them, you do not accidentally want to buy something!
If you are being Bullyed should you write mean things back?
No, because this will make things worse and you are both being bully’s.
True or False you should make sure you memorize your usernames and passwords.
True, if you can memorize them if you forget your passwords and usernames you will not ba in very good shape.
About how many people access the internet?
What are 2 things you can be a Ciber Bully on if you are not careful?
Email, online group games, etc.
What are the Two games we suggested to you guys?
Starfall, and Cool Math
Should you be on games while you should be working on an assignment.
Do you use your name or family’s name as a password or username or just anything personal?
Should you be on social media?
No, you are not old enough yet. It is for adults.
Is it ok to post mean or hateful things on the internet? Why?
No, you can hurt someone’s feelings and you are being a bully.
If a website has a box or something that pops up asking for personal information do you,
A. Give your personal info. away.
B. Get off site and never go back.
B. Get off that site and never go back, they want your money or your personal information.
A stranger messages you do you message them back
No you do not know them.
You should change your passwords if someone else finds out them,
True or False?
True, but you should get an trusted adults help and permission.
You block, delete, or ignor someone on the internet in what situsation?
If you are being Ciber Bullyed
What is 5 different types of words that are used to Ciber Bully?
Teasing, gossip, lies, threats, mean words, harassment, name calling, and insults.
Websites are good for research and playing games as. Long as you are safe,
True or False
True or false,
You should go by yourself to meet someone you met online without telling anyone else where you will be.
True or False, it is ok to share passwords with friends?
Safe, Meeting, Accepting, Reliable, Tell, also spell what word?
SMART, remember these words it will help YOU be safe on the internet.