What should you do when you receive a suspicious email from someone you don't know?
What is delete it?
Your favorite movie is an example of _________ information.
What is Personal information?
Clickbait are headlines that are created just to get
clicks (to get people to respond without thingking)
True or False: Once something is posted to the internet there are ways to access it - even if you delete it.
What is True
The letters "pls" or "plz" mean this in a text message.
What is Please?
This is the reason you ignore a pop-up advertising a new video game.
What is it may contain a virus?
My address is an example of this.
What is Private Information?
Share this only with a trusted adult (parent or teacher) who needs access to your account.
What is your password?
These people post things hoping to upset you.
Who are Cyberbullies?
Why shouldn't I use all capital letters in my posts?
Typing in all capital letters makes it seem like the writer is angry or yelling at someone.
Why do I need to email my contacts if I get a virus?
The people in my contacts list can also be affected by that virus.
What are some examples of Personal information I can safely share?
Your favorite movie, food, or your dog's name are some examples of Personal information.
Numbers, symbols, and both upper and lowercase letters are needed to make this.
What is a strong password?
A Cyberbully might give up sending me messages if
I don't respond to him/her
Why should I always check with my friends before re-posting their stuff?
My friends might not want to share the information or photo with certain people.
When is it okay to download games and apps?
Only when you have permission from an adult to purchase them.
What should I do before sharing photos of friends or family online?
What is get their permission?
How many characters should be in your password to make it safe?
At least 8.
Why shouldn't I share names and other sensitive information about my friends?
Someone may use this information to target my friends.
Why does it matter if I use mean words on the internet?
We know that behind every avatar is a real, feeling person. (Treat others as you wish to be treated.)
Why I should never respond to someone offering to fix my computer online?
They have no way of knowing if something is wrong with my computer..
Why should I never share plans about where I'm going on the internet?
A thief could choose that time to break into my house.
These are sometimes hidden in free games, ring tones or screen savers.
What are viruses?
Trollers post things on Social Media hoping to get people to react or respond without
What is without checking facts?
When is it okay to use someone else's work in an online post or in a written paper?
When I get permission from the creator of the work and give proper credit.