Password Safety
Social Media
Online Living

When you delete a post or picture, it disappears from the internet forever.

Someone might have taken a screenshot of it.


The shorter the password the better?


The smaller the combination the easier to guess but the bigger/LONGER the password the harder it is because the more combinations. 


True or false: Accepting everyone's friend request is proper internet etiquette

False. Only accept people you know in person.


While using your computer what is a safety measure you can take?

Place a piece of tape or paper over your camera.

Name any online stores you know and use

Answer varies

True or false: You are protected behind your screen when you post inappropriate things online.

False. You shouldn't post something you wouldn't say to someone in person.


You should share your password with friends and family?

ONLY people you CAN TRUST. NOT strangers or ALL family and friends. It is best to NOT tell anyone and keep it to yourself.


Your account should always be public so everyone can see your great opinions.

To make sure only your friends see your posts, it's ideal to set your account to private. (This can be changed when you're older)


How many hours before bed should you stop scrolling on your phone/laptop

At least two hours before bed.


What can phony websites use to lure you in?

Social media platforms like Instagram to promote something that may or may not exist.


Even if your account is private and you've posted inappropriate material, your future employer can't access it.

Not only can they see what you've recently posted but also what you have posted in the past.

Important dates in your life make the best passwords?

Although you can better remember them, if someone knows what your (for example) birthday is they can guess your password. 


What is cat-fishing?

When someone pretends to be someone who they are not online.


Why can location be dangerous?

You can track anyone at any time (depending on what app you're using)


What are the steps you need to take to ensure the store is legit?

Research and read reviews

If you are not certain, buy one thing to test it out

Read more about the site (About Us tab) and FAQs

Check where the delivery ships from and read the return policy.


If you see your classmate doing something embarrassing, you should post it for likes, why?

You shouldn't post without someone's permission (If a friend asks you to remove a picture, please listen).

In certain circumstances you could get fined.


Should you change your password for every account and why?


It is not necessary but, it is a good idea to have different passwords for different accounts so if one gets hacked they can't hack all your other accounts and then you can just change that one password. 

BECAUSE IT HELPS WITH SEPARATING SOCIAL AND PRIVATE LIFE. For example, school passwords which school can have access to and your home computer which you and limited people have access to. 


What are some signs of spam emails?

Bad spelling within the email.

Asking you to click a link

Sender's email is long and ridiculous

Will not use your name in the greeting.


How can you check if the information you're reading is true?


Check sources (news sites) and do your own research. 

Compare what you're reading with other sites to see if it matches up.

400 because the 'S' serves as an extra layer off security. (There will be a lock icon as well)


What are some things you shouldn't post about yourself?

Full name, age, location, which school you attend. (These rules can change when you get older...)


The 4 mandatory rules when creating a secure password?

8 and 30 characters 

One uppercase (capital letter) and one lowercase letter. 

One number digit 

One special character [$, #, @, !,%,^,&,*,(,)]


What is phishing?

When you receive emails/messages asking you for your information (credit card, name, address) in order to use the information you've provided.


What can help your vision while you use your device?

Blue light filter sets your screen to a warm tone.


What can you use for online shopping without getting your information stolen?

Prepaid VISA gift cards.