where can you be cyberbullied?
anywhere online
You don't want to post anything online that you wouldn't want your ______ to see?
Free Space
Free 100 points
Why is sleep important?
It is time for your brain to recharge
who can get cyberbullied?
anyone who has access to the internet
The internet is _______
Forever, everything online is permanent
Predators often send _______ or uncomfortable messages to people.
What color light do electronics give off?
Blue Light
What do you do it your cyberbully starts seriously threatening you?
Contact the police
Free space
Free 300 points
What is a predator?
Someone online who tries to hurt or take advantage of someone else
What is a way to limit distractions from your phone at bedtime?
Putting your phone in a different room, and maybe silencing your phone!
What do you do if you are being cyberbullied?
Ignore them and tell a trusted adult
If someone asks you to send or do something innapropriate online you have to think about how it affects your _____
Digital Footprint
Where and with who should you meet someone you met online?
In a public place with a trusted adult!!!1
Where is a bad place to keep your phone at night?
Next to your bed
What is cyberbullying?
Posting things online can affect future _____?
Jobs, your employers look you up to see your footprint
What do you do if an online friend turns out to be an online predator?
Speak to the police so it doesn't happen to anyone else!
How long do you need away from screens for your brain to be ready for bed?
around one hour