If an online friend who is the same age as you and lives in your area, what do you do?
Block them or tell a trusted adult
You see a $100 iPhone 16 pro max for sell on temu but in order to purchase it you need to put your bank account info. What should you do?
Don't put your bank account info and forget about the phone.
What is a digital footprint?
A digital footprint is everything you ever did online/on the internet
What is Digital Citizenship?
Being a good citizen online, ex: respecting others, reporting if you bad behavior online, cite sites.
What does "www." stand for when searching for something
World Wide Web
You've seen something on Facebook Marketplace that you want to buy, but the person who sells it wants to meet up. What should you do?
Definitely DON'T meet up, your risking your life and your money.
A friend has sent you a text message with URGENCY, he's been kicked out of his house and asks if you could lend him some money, their are some misspelling in the message and it doesn't look like the number he always texts you from. What should you do?
Don't send him the money, it's probably not even your friend and some random scammer who needs money.
When applying for a job, does your digital footprint affect your chances of getting a job?
Yes, because if you did/posted something bad on the internet it could affect your chances of getting a job
If someone has commented something mean on your friends post, What should you do?
Comfort them, maybe tell them or comment something nice.
What is an IP address?
The Internet Protocol Address is specifically assigned to every device connected to a computer network
Your uncle texts you saying he's going to pick you up from school, but your uncle died 2 years ago. What should you do?
If your uncle died 2 years ago, that man is NOT your uncle and he is just trying to kidnap you or hurt you. DON'T MEET UP
You see a website selling things for cheap, as soon as you try to make an account it asks for your bank account info and not just for your credit card..What do you do next?
Don't give it to them, and shop on a more secure website.
If I delete all my search history from my computer, will it delete my digital footprint?
No, deleting your search history isn't enough to erase your digital footprint too
Is having a good and strong password for yourself apart of being a good citizen? True or False?
What are Search Engines?
It is a software system that searches for and identifies what ever you are looking for/searching for
If someone you met online asks you for a picture to see what you look like, will you send it? why or why not?
nooo, you don't even know the person. nowadays people can do anything with pictures.
Someone is telling you their selling the new sneakers that are worth $1,000 for $100 but in order to get them u must pay first. What do u do?
No because their not even going to send u the shoes and your going tgpo waste your money
Who checks my Digital footprint?
A good citizen respects others online, protects their personal information, and stands up to cyber bullying. Is this statement True or false?
What is a hyperlink?
An item such as a word/button that points to another location
You've been talking to someone for while..you think you know them so well because you've been talking for a year but never met. They said they want to meet up, What should you do?
Don't or tell someone to go with you just in case anything happens
You see an email of a well-known business offering you a HIGH paying job but you've never made contact with them. Their some spelling errors and urgency saying that you need to claim your spot. What will you do?
This is a phishing scam, a well-known company wouldn't contact you out of no where. They sure wouldn't make mistakes in their spelling either
If I search something on incognito mode, will it still be on my digital footprint?
Yes of course, incognito mode doesn't hide your IP address, nor does it erase the past webstives you've visted
Your doing a project and there's someone who has a website that has everything you've been looking for, you copy and paste the information but your wondering if you should cite the website, what should you do?
Cite it, being a good citizen means that you respect others online, if it's their information your using, at least give them credit for it.
What is Incognito mode?
Private browsing or your activity data doesn't save