True or False. Everyone on the internet is a trustful and your friend.
False, everyone on the internet is a stranger and is not trustable.
What is phishing?
When a hacker is trying to trick you into believing that the message is from a legitimate source.
True or False. Your digital Footprint can be both good and bad?
Is posting positive things being a good digital citizen?
Yes, spreading positivity shows your good online citizenship.
What does www. stand for?
World Wide Web
Who are safe strangers?
No one, even the ones who seem most trustable.
What is identity theft?
When a hacker steals your personal information and uses it to impersonate you.
What is digital footprint?
Digital footprint includes websites you visit, emails you send, and information you submit online.
True or False. Being a good digital citizen means not posting anything at all.
False, you can post positive things.
What does VPN stand for?
Virtual Private Network
What is a catfish?
A catfish is when a person takes information and images, typically from other people, and uses them to create a new identity for themselves.
What is pharming?
Pharming is a cyberattack used to redirect a website's traffic to another.
True or False. When you are looking for a job your digital footprint does not matter.
Your friend is being cyberbullied and you want to argue online and post mean things about the bully. Will you be good digital citizen doing this? Yes or no.
No, tell a trusted adult.
A wireless networking technology which uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed internet access is also known as..
A stranger requests to follow you and has no mutual friends. Do you accept or decline it?
Decline, they are a stranger.
Someone with a similar name as a trusted person emails you asking to buy gift cards and to give them the code. Should you do it? Yes or no.
Does everything you post or say online stay on there forever?
Yes, everything posted online stays online forever.
Why is digital citizenship important?
Digital citizenship is important because it promotes safe and responsible internet use.
What is an ISP?
Internet Service Provider
Someone who takes someones information and steals their things is known as what?
A hacker.
What is a spyware?
A spyware is a malicious software that enters a user's computer and steals data from the device and sends it to other parties without the user knowing.
Is it possible to erase your digital footprint?
No, your digital footprint stays with you forever.
What is digital citizenship?
Digital citizenship is the responsible and ethical use of technology and the internet.
A _______ ______ is a statement or legal document that discloses some or all of the ways a party manages a customer or client's data.
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