True or False
Does and Don'ts
Self Image and Identity
Digital Footprints
Social Media

If you delete something online it is permanently gone.

What is False: Even if you delete a picture or any content from your social media it is still linked to other accounts and out there for anyone to find.


Sending friend requests to teachers.

What is Don't: Simply put; keeping your reputation positive as well as your teachers.


Name two pieces of information that you should never place online. (One answer needs to be the top piece of information)

Social Security



Full Name


Your digital footprint

What are your digital portfolio (dossier) prints left on the internet of all you searched (IP addresses)- websites/social media platforms you have accounts for, photos, etc. 


Name two apps that you have to be 18 years of age or older to be on.

What is facebook, tinder, bumble, ship


Someone asks me for my password and I know them, I should give it to them because they are my friend.

What is False: Never provide anyone with your passwords regardless of their relationship to you.


Someone wants something that you do not feel comfortable with sending.

What is Don't: If you have to think twice of whether or not to send something always err on the side of caution.


Before posting a picture you should check these three things.

What is surroundings, people you are with, other items in your picture, how the post effects others.


Cookies are...

What are files stored on your computer designed to hold a small, specific amount of data about a particular website or client; can be normal cookies or malicious cookies. 


This type of content on social media is beneficial.

What is professional and posed content. Content that can help rather than hurt prospective jobs/careers/futures.


Anything written about another person online negatively can be considered cyber-bullying.

What is True: Cyber-bullying the use of electronic communication to harass a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.


Keep incriminating or negative information about oneself or others to yourself.

What is Don't: Be a friend, be a sound judgement for other people to help them with their reputation.


What two aspects in the website address do you look for?

What is an 's' (https) and a lock symbol to the left.


The Police can access messages that you mark as “private” on Facebook or Twitter

What is true: Even if you delete them on your phone they are retrievable (ex: icloud, another phone) 


More youths experienced cyber-bullying on __________ than any other platform at.

What is Instagram: Instagram 42 percent, with Facebook following close behind at 37 percent. Snapchat ranked third at 31 percent


Online bullying only happens to people who make their accounts public

What is False: Anyone at any point can be cyber-bullied


Retaliate online if someone posts something that is untrue or malicious.

What is Don't: Keep a sound body and sound mind. Think before you post.


Where can you post a picture of yourself?

What is on a safe secure website of a safe and positive image. If not...DO NOT POST ANYWHERE


Your digital footprint can start at this time.

What is when you are born and family/friends post or share your pictures online.


When you download an app, some often forget to check these two things.

What is GPS location and privacy settings.


It is safe to use a personal account on a public computer/public WiFi.

What is False: It is never safe to use your personal accounts on public computers, there is no security even if the site is secure.


Change your password every 6-12 months.

What is Do: Change your password at maximum every 6-12. Change the letters/numbers/special characters


A good example of a name to use in an online game or app

Answers may vary


It is important to respect my friends' digital footprints because

    -Digital citizenship is the responsibility of everyone who goes online.

    -My actions can affect the shape of their digital footprints

    -I want my friends to treat my digital footprint with the same respect.

    -All of these answers are correct

What is All of these answers are correct.

These people have the ability to look at all of your social media accounts.

Who is everyone. Specifically law enforcement, hackers, employers, friends, family members, etc