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You can use the Internet to do what types of things?
Watch videos Do homework Learn about things Research E-mail Communicate with others
What is one way we can help stop cyberbullying?
Don't send mean messages. Respect others online.
What should you do if someone on the Internet asks you to meet them in person?
Tell a trusted adult
Which of the following would it be ok to give out to someone online? a.) Address b.) Phone number c.) Favorite movie
c.) Favorite movie
Your friend asks for your password. How do you handle the situation?
Do not give out passwords to anyone. The only person or persons who should have your password is your trusted adult(s) or parents.
What are some items that should not be used as a screen name?
Name. School. Age. Where you live (town).
What are three things you should do if you are cyber-bullied?
1. Don't respond. 2. Save or print the messages. 3. Block the sender. 4. Tell a trusted adult. 5. Report the cyber-bullying to the website or wherever it is taking place.
Can we trust everyone we meet online?
What information should you never give out while playing an online game?
Name. Address. Phone number. School. Family information.
What would not be a good idea to use as a password? a.) Favorite Movie b.) Favorite Song c.) Your first name
c. Your first name
Once you post something online it is out of your control. True or False?
How might cyber-bullying make someone feel?
Sad, alone, depressed, scared, upset, hurt, angry, etc.
What should you do if someone sends you inappropriate pictures online?
Report it to a trusted adult immediately.
What could happen if you share your password with a friend?
That friend could share your password. That friend could send e-mails and say they are you. Your personal information could be compromised.
What are two ways an online predator might try to get you to trust them?
Give compliments. Send gifts. Pretend they are interested in all of the same things that you are. Tell you how much they trust you.
Give an example of a safe user name or screen name?
Answers will vary...Mrs. Gordon will decide
If someone spreads gossip about you to all their friends through text messages, is this cyber-bullying?
If you come across a picture online that makes you feel uncomfortable or sad, what should you do?
Turn off the monitor and tell a trusted adult immediately.
What should you do if a website asks for your personal information?
Tell a trusted adult to verify that that website is legitimate and to be sure your parents are aware of who you are giving your personal information to.
Students are always told not to share their locker combinations. What is the similarity between sharing a locker combination and a password?
Sharing passwords and locker combinations can lead to someone having your personal information and/or personal items. Keep your personal things personal!!
What is the difference between being on a computer and being online on a computer?
You can be on a computer without being online. Being online on a computer connects you to people and information through a network of other computers.
What is the difference between bullying and cyber-bullying?
Bullying is done in person or over the phone and Cyber-bullying is done using electronic devices.
Your "friend" sends you a mean message. How should you respond?
You do not respond. You tell a trusted adult.
Why should you be careful when posting your personal information online?
Once you put something online it is out of your control. Information can spread quickly and you don't want people to see it. Someone can use your personal information to hack your accounts or create fake profiles of you.
What is a "griefer" and what can you do if you encounter one while playing games online?
A "griefer" is someone who is rude or mean in an online game. Ignore them. Block or mute them. Save the messages to show a trusted adult. Delete existing accounts and set up new ones. Report the person to the gaming service or the website. Don't respond to them.