A grown‐up who helps one to stay safe in their Circle of Grace and to respect others within their Circle of Grace.
Trusted Adult
Being able to count on someone to help one to stay safe within one’s Circle of Grace.
Trust will also include being safe from one’s Circle of Grace to another person’s Circle of Grace.
The borders or limits we need to keep ourselves safe within our Circle of Grace.
A secret is safe when it does not hurt oneself or others.
A secret is unsafe when one thinks that someone, including oneself, might be hurt or get in trouble if one does not tell.
Unsafe Secret
A mobile phone that offers advanced features like the internet, camera, and applications such as games, and special interest information.
The name given to a place or page in a website or online service where people can chat with each other by typing messages which are displayed almost instantly on the screens of others who are in the chat room.
Chat Room
Sending a short text (typed) message and /or photo between cell phones or other handheld devices.
Use of the internet, cell phone, or other electronic devices to send or post texts or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person.
Cyber Bullying
Electronic mail. Sending/ receiving a typewritten message from one screen to another.
An online journal. Personal stories or thoughts can be posted as in a personal journal.
This is a public journal that anyone can access.
Sending a deliberately confrontational message to others on the internet.
A front-facing video camera that attaches to a computer or is built into the laptop.
Pictures or words on the internet that make one feel uncomfortably scared, or that intentionally degrade a human person
Inappropriate Material
A term for unsolicited advertising that appears as its own browser window.
Pop Up
Someone who uses the internet or other means to obtain personal information about others with the intent to do harm.
Captures, edits & shares photos, videos & messages with friends & family.
Photo Sharing App
An application used on phones to find a location of a popular spot (restaurant, park, etc.). People use the application to check in and it broadcast the location to all of their friends.
Location App
Technology similar to that of chat rooms that notifies a user when a person is online allowing them to converse by exchanging text messages.
Instant Messaging (IM)
Allows you to send videos and pictures, both of which will disappear after about 10 seconds of a person viewing them. You can view them after the 10 seconds if you did a screenshot.
Mobile Video App - Instagram
This service allows users to give updates about what they are doing in less than 140 characters.
Micro Blogging - Twitter
Courteous, honest, and polite behavior is practiced on the internet.
Information that allows an individual to be contacted or located in the physical world, i.e. a telephone number or an address.
Personal Contact Information
An identity theft scam in which criminals send out spam that imitates the look and language of legitimate correspondence from e‐commerce sites. The messages generally link to websites that are similarly faked to look like the sites of respected companies. On the sites, users are directed to enter their personal information for authentication or confirmation purposes. The information, when submitted, goes to the thieves not to the “spoofed” company.
This service allows users to watch videos posted by others and to upload videos of their own.
Video-Sharing Service - Youtube or Tiktok