What is nonverbal communication
Referring to the posture, eye contact, body movements.
Blocks to active listening
Daydreaming, rehearsing, filtering, judging, and distractions.
What are the rewards of effective communication
Mutual understanding, less chance of conflict, cooperation from others, meeting another's needs while getting yours met, relief from negative emotions, enhanced closeness.
Fair Fighting Rules
What are the 5 C's
Commitment, Caring, Communication, Compassion, Compromise
What is a paraverbal
Referring to the tone, volume and rate of speech
Mastery of active listening
Paraphrasing, reflection, clarification, body language,
Communication pitfalls
Expecting people to read your mind, sending mixed signals, being overly sarcastic, jumping to from topic to topic, accusing others, dragging up the past, disclosing too much information.
Principles of Negotiation
Conflict is inevitable, getting angry don't help, individual people have different interests and agendas, separate your feelings from the agenda, focus on outcomes not positions, identify mutual solutions, be flexible, come to an agreement.
What is commitment
It is the glue that holds a relationship together.
Why is learning to improve your nonverbal communication important
Allows you to be a better receiver of messages, learn to be a better sender of signals, can increase closeness between people, and learning the cues from different cultures.
What is empathic listening
Using intuitive powers to help us to perceive the other person's internal frame of reference.
What are the basics of an "I message"
I feel ____ when you ____
Self- Communication, what are the 3 forms.
What is caring
Being genuinely concerned about the other person.
What is a nonverbal cue
Eye contact, facial expressions, posture, touch, hand gestures, proximity, legs swinging, finger tapping, looking away, clenched fists.
How to use empathic behavior (pt 1)
Paying attention to the person's point of view, setting judgements aside for the moment, listen for the message behind the words, listen for the verbal and nonverbal messages for their context.
What is an Emotional message
Expressing yourself, and emotion to another person.
____, I get scared when you ___
___, I feel hurt when you ___
Changing the negative,
Life sucks and is never going to get better...
Change the narrative
Life is bad tight now but tomorrow could be better.
What is Communication?
What is Compassion?
Communication- is the way we talk to another.
Compassion- is recognizing that we are all human and make mistakes, and finding the grace and forgiveness towards another.
What are some tips for enhancing communication
Welcome people with a handshake (if wanted) find a comfortable space between you, be relaxed and listen attentively, eye contact, nodding head, stay alert, make appropriate contact, do not slouch.
How to use empathic behavior (pt 2)
Respond fairly, move gradually toward the exploration of sensitive topics and feelings, after responding pay attention to the cues that either confirm or deny the accuracy.
What personality do you need to have what you want.
Assertive, by being assertive you have to know what you want.
Decipher your emotions,
Anger-"you should punch them, they deserve it, they did it on purpose"-....
Is this true or false
It was probably an accident and punching them wont help.
What is Compromise?
Compromise- is the act of resolving disagreements.