Interpersonal Effectiveness
Bonus Questions

When would we use Interpersonal Effectiveness skills?

When we want to ask for something or say no to something


What is our top priority with DEARMAN?

Our objective


What is our top priority with GIVE?

The relationship


What is our top priority with FAST?

Self respect


What does mindfulness mean?

Being present to the current moment


Give two examples of factors that may reduce/get in the way of using interpersonal effectiveness skills

Emotion mind, indecision, prioritizing short term over long term goals, myths or self-judgement


What does DEARMAN stand for?

Describe, express, assert, stay mindful, appear confident, and negotiate


Why is relationship effectiveness important?

Relationship effectiveness improves or maintains a good relationship with the other person in an interaction, while at the same time trying to obtain your objective.


What does FAST stand for?

be Fair, no Apologies, Stick to values, and be Truthful

What are the 'what skills'?

Observe, describe, participate


What does it mean to walk the middle path?

Practicing dialectics. Moving away from black and white or either/or thinking.

Name an example of a reinforcer in DEARMAN

What does the other person get out of it? (i.e. This will improve our relationship)


What does GIVE stand for?

be Gentle, act Interested, Validate, and use an Easy manner


What does self-respect effectiveness mean?

Prioritizing the way you feel about yourself after an interaction


What does TIPP stand for?

Temperature, intense exercise, paced breathing, paired muscle relaxation


Give an example of a dialectical statement

Two seemingly opposing things that coexist (e.g. I am doing the best that I can, and I want to do better)


How can we appear confident? 

Bonus: What skill can we use if we are struggling with confidence when using a DEARMAN?

Eye contact, assertive tone of voice, speaking clearly, etc.

Opposite Action


Give an example of how you might act interested and how you might use an easy manner

Ask questions, actively listen, make eye contact

Use humour, smile


What can get in the way of self-respect effectiveness?

Too often giving into others, not knowing our values, acting in emotion mind


Give an example of when you would use a Cope Ahead skill

With an upcoming event (i.e. a social gathering where target behaviours will be present)


What are the three priorities in Interpersonal Effectiveness?

Objective, relationship, and self respect


Use a DEARMAN right now to ask for either a graduation pizza or doughnuts next week

Describe, express, assert, reinforce, be mindful, appear confident, and negotiate with group facilitators


Tell me how you might validate a roommate who slept in past their alarm and missed their CASON appointment. They mentioned to you last night that they had a 9am appointment and you did not wake them up. They are angry and blaming you for not noticing that they slept in.

I understand that you are frustrated, I know how important these appointments are to you, I would be upset too if that happened to me, I hear what you're saying


What is an example when you might use the FAST skill?

When your self-respect is more important than the relationship (i.e. when an old 'friend' tries to get you to engage in target behaviours again)


What are the four modules in DBT?

Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Distress Tolerance, and Emotion Regulation