This set of skills is useful when making requests and saying no.
This factor is in the way of interpersonal effectiveness when you actually don't know what to say or how to act.
Lack of skill
__________ are the limits we set for _________ around what is and is not acceptable in relationships.
Boundaries, ourselves
This type of relationship has the quality of destroying or completely spoiling either the quality of the relationship or aspects of yourself.
The DEAR in DEARMAN stands for ____.
Describe, Express, Assert, Reinforce
This factor is in the way of interpersonal effectiveness when worry, shame, fear, anger, etc. make you unable to use skills to do or say what you want.
Someone with _______ boundaries is selective about whom to let in and keep out, accepts conflict as a normal part of life, and communicates assertively.
This type of relationship is one that blocks or makes certain aspects of your life difficult.
These 2 sets of skills is useful to show respect to others, and maintain our self-respect.
This factor is in the way of interpersonal effectiveness when you don’t know what you really want from the other person, or you can’t figure out how to balance your needs versus the other person’s.
Someone with _____ boundaries keeps most people at a distance, has inflexible personal values, and avoids conflict by pushing others away.
When we ________, we communicate that we understand or find truth in another person's perspective.
The MAN in DEARMAN stands for ___.
stay Mindful, Appear confident, and Negotiate
This factor is in the way of interpersonal effectiveness when other people get in the way because they are too powerful, they might be threatened by you or might not like you if they do not get what they want, or they may not do what you want unless you sacrifice your self-respect
Someone with ______ boundaries lets almost anyone get close to them, does not assert their personal values, and avoids conflict by giving in to others.
be Fair, no Apologies, Stick to values, be Truthful
This factor is in the way of interpersonal effectiveness when you attend to immediate urges and wants, and the future vanishes from your mind.
Prioritizing short-term goals over long-term goals
Boundary types tend to align with these three relational styles.
Independent, interdependent, and dependent
This type of listener is distracted, disengaged, invalidating, and listens with a goal of "fixing."