Core Mindfulness
Get Out of My Way!
DBT Skills to Pay the Billz
Consider this...

Wise mind, emotion mind, and rational mind.

What are the 3 states of mind?


Sometimes these can interfere with interpersonal effectiveness, especially anger, pride, contempt, fear, shame, and guilt.

What are emotions?


The "D" in this skill stands for "Describe." The "R" stands for "Reinforce."

What is DEAR MAN.


Objective effectiveness, Relationship effectiveness, Self-respect effectiveness

What are the 3 goals you might have in interpersonal situations?


6 examples are: Priorities, rights, authority, relationship, long-term vs short-term goals, and timing.

What are the factors to consider when deciding how firm or intense you want to be in asking or saying no?


This mindfulness skill involves noticing things both inside yourself and outside yourself.

What is observation?


Examples are: You don't have the interpersonal skills that you need, you don't know what you want, your emotions are getting in the way, and other people are getting in your way.

What are factors that interfere with Interpersonal effectiveness?


This technique involves repeatedly asking or saying no over and over and over.

What is "broken record"? 


If your primary goal is to get another person to do something you want that person to do, or to say no to an unwanted request, you need a skill that will help with this type of effectiveness.

What is Objective effectiveness?


If someone is required by law or moral code to give you what you want, you raise the intensity of your request based on this factor.

What are rights?


If you're calling something "dumb" or "bad," you're probably not using this mindfulness skill.

What is non-judgmental stance?


3 myths that get in the way of interpersonal effectiveness. 

Name any 3 myths on pg. 119.

This is a skill to use when you want to keep and nurture relationships.

What is GIVE?


You typically use FAST to get to this type of effectiveness.

What is self respect effectiveness?


If someone is asking you to do something that would make you feel bad about yourself, you can say no to their request based on this factor.

What is self-respect?


To use this mindfulness skill, you might have to give up on being "right." 

What is effectiveness?


This is a skill you can use when you want to keep respect for yourself.

What is FAST?


TWO PART QUESTION: If your main goal in an interaction is to maintain or improve your relationship with this person, your goal is this type of effectiveness AND you need to use this skill.

What are relationship effectiveness and GIVE?


It means "having the skills and the capacity to do something," and it's one of the factors to consider when deciding how intensely to ask for something.

What is capability?


This group of mindfulness skills includes observing, describing, and participating.

What are the "what" skills?


These are the 6 levels of validation.

Pay attention, Reflect Back, Read Minds, Understand, Acknowledge the Valid, Show Equality.