What are the four types of bullying?
Physical , emotional, sexual,and verbal bullying
What is the purpose of dating?(5 reasons)
understanding others and yourself, providing companionship, improving communication skills , learning to be responsible, and evaluating personality traits.
What are 4 strategies to help family deal with conflict?
deal with problems, listen actively, use compromise, and accept differences
Between what age is best for a women to bare children?
20 to 35 years
what are the four conditions of a legal contract
Both parties must sign the contract willingly,
be competent
give consideration
the contract must have a legal purpose.
What are the 4 responsibilities of an effective leader?
Identify The Group's Goals.
Develop a plan that will help the group reach its goals.
Carry Out The Plan.
Evaluate The Group's Performance.
What is exclusive dating?
exclusive dating is a commitment to dating only one person.
Define crisis?
Crisis is a life experience or event affecting an individual,family,community,or society that could lead to unstable dangerous situation
What is the different between parent and parenting?
A parent is a biological or legal father or mother. Parenting means using skills to care for and raise a child to adulthood.
What are three requirements that citizens must need to vote?
age requirements, residency requirements, U.S. citizenship
What are good leadership roles?
Be a communicator,
a motivator,
a director of discussion
What is the difference between romantic love and mature love?
Romantic love is when one is exhilarating feelings and mature love is the long lasting, caring and giving type of love
What are the four stages of grieving?
denial, anger, guilt, blame, self-pity, depression, acceptance
List 3 qualities to be a good parent?
being emotionally mature, able to love unconditionally, flexible, and responsible
What is a chronological resume?
Chronological resume focuses on your employers and your work experiences listed in reverse chronological order
What are the qualities of a successful group?
Group goals, Cohesiveness group setting and group structure.
What are the four checkpoints of dating?
A close friendship is growth, mature love is growing, romance is alive and healthy relationship skills are used.
What is internal and external stress?
Internal stress originates inside the family between the members, while external stress is caused by something outside the family, such as a person’s job.
List all of the information that is included in a resume?
Personal information; career objective; education; work experience; honors, awards, and achievements; activities and memberships in professional organizations; special skills and interests; and references
What is a Functional Resume?
A functional resume is most useful for those who have much experience emphasizes your qualifications,skills,and achievements
What is the difference between task-oriented and relationship-oriented
Task-oriented leadership is the appropriate style when a specific task needs to be accomplished. Relationship-oriented leadership recognizes this need for collaboration
Explain the difference between emotional, social, physical and sexual abuse?
Emotional abuse is any behavior that tears at a person's core being or sense of self and destroys self-esteem.
Social abuse is any behavior that destroys the ability of a person to develop healthy relation-ships with others.
Physical abuse includes causing actual physical harm as well as making threats to cause harm.
Sexual abuse is forcing another person to be sexually involved in anyway.
Give an example of a pile up effect of stress?
answer will vary
List the Stage of a Family Life Stage
Newly married stage- wedding and and living on one's own
Early parenthood stage- birth of children, children in preschool or elementary
Later parenthood stage- children adolescence, dating or moving out
Empty nest stage- last child leaves home, children get married and become parents and parents become elderly
Retirement stage- retire from work or job or death of a spouse
What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?
A felony is a more serious crime that may result in a prison term longer than one year. A misdemeanor is a less serious crime that may result in a fine or a prison term under one year.