Interpersonal Skills
Interpersonal Skills 1
Interpersonal Skills 2
Interpersonal Skills 3
Interpersonal Skills 4
Being able to make sense out of inmate's answers, recognizing the answers not spoken, and thinking carefully about what the inmate has said in answering a question.
What is Reflecting on answers and recycle
Taking charge to assure appropriate behavior to serve the interests of the institution, the staff member and the inmate.
What is Controlling Behavior
Paraphrasing the content of inmate's statement in such a way as to provide a meaningful reason for the inmate's feelings.
What is responding to feeling and meaning
The ability to capture in the words the specific feelings being presented by inmate
What is responding to feeling
If a communication interchange goes deeper than the officer feels he/she can manage
When is it appropriate to refer the inmate to a counselor or other specialist at the facility.
Defined as identifying the behavior/action desired
What is Direct request format
Defined as toning down a request and making it more palatable by putting it in the form of a request rather than a direct order
What is softening a request
defined as polite request, using "please" or "would appreciate"
What is mild request format
Selecting the best way to make request
What is taking action
The ability to administer punishments and rewards effectively to show inmates the positive and negative consequences of their actions.
What is reinforcing behavior
Identify various necessary elements check things out (4) list 2
What is 1) use basic skills 2) know rules and regulations 3) decide if requests are legitimate 4) check out inmate and situation
6 components of the 5WH method as asking
who, what, why, where, when, how
(2) steps in handling requests
What is 1) check things out 2) give a response and a reason
(2) elements of reinforcing behavior
What is 1) reinforce positively and negatively 2) use verbal and nonverbal techniques
What (2) techniques are used in asking questions
What is 1) use the 5WH method 2) reflect on the answers and recycle
(3) considerations for giving an inmate a reason for your response
What is 1) minimize future complaints 2) inmate cannot claim he was not told a reason for a negative response 3) inmate will understand why his request is granted this time, but might not be in the future
(2) steps involved in making requests
What is 1) check things out 2) take appropriate action
(5) feeling words
What is happy, angry, confused, sad, scared
(4) various questions to be asked in reflecting
What is 1) how do they look 2) what are they saying 3) what did they say 4) what didn't they say
(2) steps in responding to feeling and meaning
What is 1) reflect on feeling and reason 2) respond to feeling and meaning
BONUS BONUS BONUS ---- Identify actions and procedures that can reduce the crime rate within a correctional setting (ALL 5)
1) proper classification and diagnosis 2) close observation by staff; proper patrolling techniques 3) effective contraband control 4) developing rapport with inmates 5) swift disciplinary sanctions
(3) aspects to consider during the initial stage of observing
What is ABE Appearance, Behavior, Environment
(4) techniques to use in taking actions
What is 1) be specific 2) use mild/polite format or direct format 3) get stronger when necessary 4) use responding skills
(2) elements of reinforcing behavior
What is 1) reinforce positively and negatively 2) use verbal and non-verbal techniques
(3) application skills used in controlling behavior
What is 1) handling requests 2) making requests 3) reinforcing behavior