Social Skills 1
Coping Skills
Social Skills 2
Social Skills 3

You accidentally get hit by a basketball in gym, what do you do?

It was an accident, tell them that it is okay, accident happen.


What can you do if your friend is feeling sad?

You can listen to them, offer support, try to cheer them up


Would it be appropriate to tell your whole class about a problem at home?

No.  If you have something on your mind about home, find some time to talk to a trusted adult at school or home about your problem.  


True or False.  When someone says you did something wrong they are being mean.

False- most of the time when someone tells you that you have done something wrong they are only trying to help you.  


You have been daydreaming. You tune back in and see that you are suppose to be doing something, but you aren't sure what.  What should you do?

Quietly look to see what other people are doing. You can ask a classmate or ask a teacher. We all tune out sometimes. 


What might you feel if someone you are trying to talk to is ignoring you?

Sad, confused, or upset


What can you do if your friend is mad at you for something you did to them?

Apologize, say sorry


What can you do if your teacher tells you to correct your work but it makes you feel sad that you did it wrong?

Ask if you can take a break/drink of water, take deep breaths, then tell yourself you can make the corrections


How do you know when to no longer be friends with someone?

When they repeatedly hurt your feelings and don't follow your boundaries. When you notice you feel mad, worried, or sad around them more than you feel happy. After you have tried to resolve conflict 2+ times.


You are feeling sad and disconnected from others.  What is something you can do?

Do something that makes you happy. Play outside. Tell a friend or family member how you're feeling.


How might you feel if your friend doesn't come to your birthday party?

Sad, angry, disappointed


People are picking on your friend at lunch because his pants are too short. What should you do?

Stand up for your friend by telling an adult, play with your friend.


What can you do if you are feeling frustrated?

Talk to your parents, therapist, teacher. Use one of your coping skills.


Why is it important to stay on topic during a conversation?

It shows others that you are interested in what they are wanting to talk about.


You are sitting on the bench at lunch and a friend asks you to play basketball but you don't feel like playing basketball. What can you do?

You can say, no thanks, I don't really feel like playing basketball. Then you can ask them if they want to do something else such as draw or play tag.


How might someone feel if they have done something wrong and they know it was wrong?



Is it okay to be upset when you lose a game?

Yes, you can feel mad or upset when you lose a game. You should still be a good sport, thank the other people for playing and not break things.


A friend has said something that hurts your feelings. What can you do?

Tell them how you feel with a nice voice and explain why. Avoid yelling at them.


Sometimes we can have sad feelings. What should you do when you feel sad at school? 

Give yourself lot of positive self talk, play with something that is comforting for you, talk to an adult at school, ask teacher for a break


A classmate asks you to do something you know is inappropriate during class, what do you do?

You can say no thanks or explain that you would like to focus


You feel yourself starting to get angry.  What is one strategy you can do to calm down.  If that doesn't work, what is another strategy you can do?

what is take a walk, exercise, change the channel, draw, punch a pillow, talk to someone, listen to music, take deep breaths, etc.


What is a good way to make a friend?

Find something you have in common, be nice to them, respect their boundaries, find something you can help them with. 


What is the best way to deal with a student in your class that won't stop talking to you when you should be listening and learning?

Let the student know you can't talk now, as you are trying to listen to the teacher.  Ask them if they could talk more during lunch


You don't have anyone to hangout with at lunch.  What can you do?

You can look for people who are doing something you also like, and ask to join them. Or you can look for a friend who is nice to you in class. You can go into the library or Wellness Center.


True or False: You and your best friend got into a big argument, so you can't ever be friends again. 

False. You can resolve conflict by talking about your feelings and forgiving each other.