Presentation and Body Language
Other Matters
Tell me about yourself
Networking/Search/ and Follow up
When meeting someone, lack of _____________ suggests someone is hiding something or not confident.
What is - Eye contact
Dr. Smith wanted to offer a permanent position to Maria but then he heard she was constantly arguing with another girl, he decided he didnt want to have any __________ in the office,
What is drama?
" I think an example would be...sometimes I over think things and take a little longer to make sure things are perfect" would be the answer to what question?
What is - What is your weakness?
You post your resume there so employers can call you for job opportunities
What is Career Builder/Monster?
"I have reliable transportation" is the correct way to answer________________________________?
What is- Do you have a car?
Having your arms crossed suggests you are ____________________ to criticism or ideas
What is closed?
" How many breaks do I get?" is an example of ___________________
What is questions not to ask?
She responded by saying that she planned on becoming a RN, in the next five years.
What is- what are your plans for the future?
__________________ is said to be the #1 way to find a job in a hard economy.
What is Networking?
Yes, but I have a good plan in place is the correct answer to _____________________
Do you have kids?
You should always come to an interview___________minutes before the actual time.
What is 15 minutes?
_____________________ is a business that can quickly put you to work on a short-term basis
What is a temporary/ staffing agency?
Well, I came to Porter and Chester because the medical field always interested me, currently I am volunteering at St. Vincent's hospital, while in school. There I am learning medical terminology, ekg's, medical charting, etc... I am currently working at Stop and Shop and have been there for 4 years as a cashier... there I accept various types of payment......... Is the correct answer for... This is the correct answer to what question?
What is Tell me about yourself?
These are an effective method of correspondance to get a 2nd glance from the employer after an interview
What are " Thank you cards"
Companies will not let someone work in their establishment with out a _______________ and a ___________ to ensure they are a reliable worker
What is a drug test and background check?
_______________________ is the one thing never to bring into an interview
What is a cell phone?
_______________________ is a great opportunity to start working because alot of places like to "try before they buy" and they can train you their way
What is an externship?
I am Bi-lingual in English/Spanish, have several years working in an office setting, and type at 60 WPM... In my last position I was promoted several times Is the correct answer for....
What is - What makes you stand apart from other candidates?
___________________ is a reaching out to an employer for the first time via telephone to introduce themselves as a job seacher
What is a initial/cold call?
__________________ is the act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions of one party or a group, including threats and demands. The purposes may vary, including racial prejudice, personal malice, an attempt to force someone to quit a job or grant sexual favors, apply illegal pressure to collect a bill, or merely gain sadistic pleasure from making someone fearful or anxious.
What is harassment?
____________________ is one of the most important people when going in for an interview
What is the Receptionist
_______________________ is the term used to describe a weak handshake
What is a "cold/wet fish"?
Asking about stress on the job, making negative comments about a current or previous employer or coworker or making requests to accommodate personal needs ask a question that reflects a negative attitude Are all examples of _________________ for employers.
What are RED FLAGS?
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BONUS- Daily Double!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _____________________became so well-known they made a movie about him after his "social network" website went global
Who is Mark Zukerberg?
A. Do you anticipate any absences from work on a regular basis? If so, please explain the circumstances? B. Do you expect to become have a family? When? How many children will you have? C. Are you over the age of 18?
What is A?