Which guidance document necessary for conducting NHBS interviews should be read in full by all NHBS HET5 interview staff?
NHBS Round 5 Interviewer Guide
Which form should participants receive a copy of before beginning an interview?
Consent Form
Which form is useful for assessing interviewer performance during observations?
Interviewer Evaluation Form
What type of interviewing involves asking the same questions in the same way of all participants?
Standardized Interviewing
How should an interviewer initially respond if a participant is confused by a question?
Re-read the item as worded
Where can you find information about NHBS HET5 operating procedures?
NHBS HET5 Operations Manual
Interviewers should verify the _____ and _____ on each device before beginning an interview.
The date and time
Which staff member(s) may complete your evaluation during an interviewer?
Principal Investigator, Project Coordinator, or Field Supervisor
Which skill involves explaining the interview format to the participant?
Orienting participants
Interviewers should never attempt to open or resume ______ interviews.
Who should interviewers contact if a problem arises during an interview?
Field Supervisor
What could happen if a tablet loses power during an interview?
Data corruption
How many full mock interviews must each interviewer successfully complete prior to beginning data collection?
When should flashcards be used during the NHBS interview?
When instructed by the CAPI
What is the term used when participants provide information that contradicts a prior response?
Inconsistent response
Which part of the Interviewer Guide provides details about how specific NHBS survey items should be administered?
The Question by Question (QXQ) Section
For data security, what should be disabled on each tablet prior to interviewing?
Wireless Connectivity
How often should interviewers be evaluated once data collection has begun?
Every 10 interviews
What should interviewers do if a tablet crashes during an interview?
Inform the FS and start a new interview
What type of response occurs when a participant provides an answer that is not in the format required by the question?
Un-codable response
In which document can you find all of the HET5 Survey items and skip logic?
NHBS HET5 CAPI Reference Questionnaire (CRQ)
What necessary component must an interviewer have that helps to facilitate administering an interview?
DCC Process monitoring reports
What technique is helpful when a response is unclear, inconsistent, or un-codable?
Neutral probing
What is the name of the time frame participants are asked to consider when answering a question or set of questions?
Recall period