Chapter 1-3
Chapter 4-6
Chapter 7-9
Chapter 10-14

The 3 V's + B include visual, vocal, verbal and, this.

What is body language?


This type of question is most effective for encouraging a client to share their story.

What is Open-Ended?


This skill should be done when the client is done talking, when you need clarification, and when you are wanting to understand the main points. 

What is Paraphrase?


This type of professional helper coordinates community services for the benefit of the client, and very often the client’s family as well. 

What is Case Manager?


THIS refers to an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority. 

What is Microaggression?


This is referred to as the process of gathering data, providing information and advice to clients, and suggesting workable alternatives for resolving concerns.

What is Interviewing?


This is referred to as using verbal and nonverbal skills to show you are attentive.

What is attending behavior?


THESE types of emotions include sad, mad, glad, scared, disgust,and surprise. 

What are Primary?


This technique involves changing one's perspective on an issue and, consequently, modifying the problem's emotional complexity to pinpointpotential solutions.

What is Reframe/Reframing?


The four pitfalls of ethical dilemma inlcude Conflicted agendas, Confused Roles, Cutting Corners, and THIS.

What is Professional Burnout?


Basic empathic listening skills inluce Questioning, Observing, Encouraging, Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and THIS. 

What is Reflection of Feeling?

This skill is described as pulling together and organizing the client’s conversations, supporting their thoughts, emotions and behaviors. 

What is Summarizing?


The five stages in The Five Stage Model include: Empathetic Relationship, Story and Strengths, Goals, Restory, and THIS.

What is Action?


The 3 major steps of confrontation involve listening, summarizing, and this. 

What is Evaluation/Evaluate?


This is referred to as the brain’s ability to change and reorganize itself throughout the lifespan.  

What is Neuroplasticity?


Facial expressions, gestures, mannerisms, and movements, breaking eye contact, shifting hands, or body - are all examples of THIS type of behavior.

What are nonverbal?


This, also know as 'mentalizing,' is the ability to mentalize the world of someone else.

What is Theory of Mind?


This type of counseling is described as the ability to influence a client to help them make decisions about their behavior, thoughts, feelings, and meanings. 

What is Decision Counseling?


The 5 levels of the client change scale  include Denial, Partial Examination, Acceptance, New Solution, and THIS.

What is Transcendence?

What skill is used to encourage clientns to explore their own meanings and values in more depth.

What is Reflection of Meaning?


THIS refers to the obligation to review information with clients so that they have the freedom to choose whether to enter into or remain in a counseling relationship and need adequate information about the counselor and the counseling process. 

What is Informed Consent?


THIS, also known as a perception check, helps to see how accurate your listening was. 

What is Checkout?

THIS brain structure is closely related to the total limbic system and has close connections with the prefrontal cortex, referred to as the emotional and cognitive driver responsible for taking information from the sense and passing it on. 

What is the amygdala?


THIS is when an interviewer intentionally shares personal information with a client during the therapeutic relationship. It can be verbal or non-verbal, and can include sharing thoughts, feelings, or experiences. 

What is Self-Disclosure?


Your book refers to THIS as the ability generalize the skills to situations beyond the classroom.

What is Skill Integration?