Interview Questions
in the Workplace
Interview Etiquette
in the Workplace
Workplace Etiquette
(should you or shouldn't you?)

What can you tell me about yourself?

Answers may vary

Don’t give your complete employment (or personal) history. Instead, give a pitch—one that’s concise and compelling and that shows exactly why you’re the right fit for the job.


You are halfway to work when you realize that you’ve forgotten your cell phone. You can turn around to get it, but then you’ll be 15 minutes late. What do you do?

Answers may vary

Possible solutions (pick the best one): 
a. go to work without your phone
b. turn around and get your phone- call your boss once you have your phone to explain that you will be late
c. turn around and get your phone- do not call your boss to let them know you'll be late- explain why you are late when you get there


When should you get to the interview?

A. 10-15 minutes early

B. Right on time

C. 2 hours early 


Your workspace is right next to the break room and you are having a hard time focusing on your job with the background noise from the break room. What can you say?

Answers may vary

Possible answer: Explain to your boss that you are having a hard time focusing due to the noise.
Ask if your workspace can be moved. 
Ask if you can wear headphones or something to block out the sound.


Should you eat your lunch or a snack in front of customers?

No, you shouldn't eat your lunch or snack in front of customers. You are able to eat during your scheduled breaks.


Why do you want to work here?

Answers may vary

Do your research on the company and answer with something that makes the company unique that really appeals to you.


You are supposed to be at work at 8am, but when you wake up, you realize that it is already 8:05am and you are late. What do you do?

Answers may vary

Possible solutions (pick the best one):
a. get ready as quick as you can and leave for work without calling your boss
b. call your boss to let them know you overslept & get ready as quick as you can
c. skip work today- you're already late and need extra sleep


When is it okay to use slang or cuss words during an interview?

A. If the interviewer uses them

B. Whenever you feel it's appropriate

C. Never 


You have a difficult time processing verbal directions, so you aren't able to understand what your boss needs you to do. What can you say?

Answers may vary

Possible answer: Explain to your boss that you did not understand the directions he gave you. Ask if you can write them down or ask if he can give them to you in written form. 


Should you ask questions if you don't understand what you're being told to do?

Yes, you should ask questions if you don't understand what you're being told to do. 


What are your weaknesses?

Answers may vary

What your interviewer is really trying to do with this question—beyond identifying any major red flags—is to gauge your self-awareness and honesty. Strike a balance by thinking of something that you struggle with but that you’re working to improve. For example, maybe you’ve never been strong at public speaking, but you’ve recently volunteered to run meetings to help you get more comfortable when addressing a crowd. 


The manager assigns you to a shift where you will have to work with a coworker that you don’t get along with. What do you do?

Answers may vary

Possible solutions (pick the best one):
a. tell your boss you cannot work with them because you don't get along
b. do your job and keep to yourself during your shift with them
c. tell them they need to ask your boss for another shift because you guys do not get along


Once the interview is complete, when should you follow-up with the interviewer?

A. In an hour

B. Never

C. In a few days


You are very sensitive to smells and your workspace is right next to the lunch room. What can you say?

Answers may vary

Possible answer: Explain to your boss that you are sensitive to smells. Ask if your workspace can be moved away from the lunch room.


Should you gossip about your boss to your fellow co-workers?

No, you shouldn't gossip about your boss to your fellow co-workers.


What were your roles and responsibilities at your last job?

Answers may vary

Explain your roles and responsibilities and how you can apply the skills you've learned to the job you're applying for. Do not talk negatively of your previous employer even if you did not like your job there.


You are working at the cash register, and a customer accuses you of giving them the wrong amount of change. What do you do?

Answers may vary

Possible solutions (pick the best one)
a. recount the change to make sure you gave them the correct amount
b. tell them they are wrong, you know you counted the right change
c. call your boss and ask them to talk to the customer


What can you do if you start feeling sick before the interview?

A. Go to the interview anyway

B. Call and ask to reschedule

C. Don't do anything and don't go to the interview 


You are having a hard time organizing, planning, and prioritizing your work responsibilities. What can you say?

Answers may vary

Possible answer: Explain your difficulties to your boss. Ask if you can sit down together and prioritize your responsibilities. Make a checklist/to-do list for your daily responsibilities. 


Should you keep your phone on silent mode while you are working?

Yes, you should keep your phone on silent mode while you are working.


What makes you a good team player?

Answers may vary

When hiring managers ask this question, they're trying to figure out if you're able to collaborate, communicate and work well with others


You have a fifteen minute break at work. There is a grocery store across the street, and you need to pick up a few groceries. What do you do?

Answers may vary

Possible solutions (pick the best one)
a. go grocery shopping, 15 minutes is enough time
b. ask your boss for a longer break so you can go to the grocery store
c. go grocery shopping after work, 15 minutes is not enough time


What can you do if you have questions about the job you are interviewing for?

A. Ask the questions when the interviewer gives you the opportunity

B. Don't ask questions

C. Ask your questions as soon as you sit down 


You have a great idea for a presentation you've been asked to put together, but you aren't very good at typing on the computer. It takes you a long time and you aren't sure if you will meet the deadline. What can you say?

Answers may vary

Possible answer: Explain your concerns to your boss. Ask for extra time.
Ask if the computer has voice to text to make the process go faster. 


Should you leave work early if you feel like it?

No, you shouldn't leave work early if you feel like it.