Hiring & Interviewing A
Hiring & Interviewing B
Hiring & Interviewing C

Name something to look for when screening an application.

Gaps in employment

Emphasis on past jobs rather than most recent

Applicant’s willingness to accept a drastic pay cut

Lack of interest

Poor personal hygiene

Lack of career plans

Lack of interest or enthusiasm

Doesn’t ask questions about the job

Lack of preparation for the interview


Job Hopping/Job History

Salary Requested

HR notes and comments




When can HR begin pre-employment background checks?

Once all pre-employment paperwork is received, including interview notes and references.  

Please remember to send everything all at once.

 Missing information will delay the hiring process


This is a written statement and describes essential functions and duties.

Job Description


Name at least one item that cannot be asked during an interview.


•Marital status


•Sexual orientation


•National origin or Citizenship



•Criminal record


What step should you take if your applicant test positive for the pre-employment drug test?

The applicant should be given the opportunity to withdraw interest and any further consideration for the job.  Otherwise the chain of custody and a sample should be forwarded to the outside lab-Redwood Toxicology. Call HR to notify once sent


What are some things to do before your new employee begins work?

•Have equipment ready

•Paperwork complete

•Inform and excite your team

•Work station –desk, manuals, pens, goody bag, etc.

•Send a friendly note—welcoming new hire

•Provide list of buzz words/acronyms


When screening an application, you find that you are not interested in interviewing an applicant.  What do you do in e3?

•Utilize progress steps to indicate whether an applicant will move to the interview stage or will not be pursued (Declined by Mgmt)


Once and employee starts, what is the deadline to send a copy of the completed I-9 to Human Resources?

Three days


Name a cost associated with a bad hire.

•Training costs

•Severance pay

•Loss of productivity

•Impact on morale

•Cost of re-hiring


What do you do with interview notes for an applicant that you choose not to hire?

Upload interview notes into e3 or send to HR.


Who notifies applicants that they have not been selected?

The hiring supervisor.


Work performance concerns have been identified during your new employees introductory period.  What are tips to address this issue?

Go to a private setting

Be clear what the issue is

Address concerns early

Overlooking problems (employees think acceptable)

Allow employee to provide his/her side of the story

Employee may need additional training

Set a time for follow up



How many references are required before submitting pre-employment paperwork to HR?

A minimum of three references are required.  At least two professional and one personal.


Name two types of discrimination that can occur during the hiring process.

Direct Discrimination—due to age, race, disability, etc.

Adverse Impact—asking female candidates different questions than males, requesting applicants be 5 feet 10 inches tall when the job does not require it.


Make sure you are providing a copy of this during your job interviews.

Job Description