Describe an Informational Interview
Make the Ask

What is the main purpose of an informational interview?

To learn more about responsibilities, growth opportunities, gain industry insight, and build a network.


Who should you talk to first about your career goals when seeking an informational interview?

Family, friends, and mentors.


What is the recommended duration for an informational interview request?

20-30 minutes


Why is it important to research the role before an informational interview?

To avoid asking questions that could easily be answered by a google search and to make the most of the interview.


Why is being punctual important when conducting an informational interview?

To show appreciation for the interviewee's time.


Why is it important not to ask directly for a job during an informational interview?

To avoid making the interviewee feel deceived by a sudden job request.


How can sites like LinkedIn help you in making new connections for informational interviews?

By providing a platform to make new connections even without a formal introduction.


Why is it important to mention how you got the person's name when reaching out for an informational interview?

To remind them of the connection, especially if it was through a mutual acquaintance.


What type of questions should you avoid asking during an informational interview?

Questions that could easily be answered by a google search.


What should you share at the beginning of an informational interview?

Information about your academic and work background, as well as your objectives for the meeting.


How can an informational interview help you determine if a career is a good fit for you?

By providing insight into the role, industry, and how to best prepare for it.


Why is reaching out to people without a formal introduction still a good idea when requesting an informational interview?

Many people will respond favorably if you show genuine interest in what they do.


What should you emphasize when asking for an informational interview to increase the likelihood of a positive response?

Emphasize your interest in learning more about their role.


How can asking open-ended questions benefit you during an informational interview?

They can help the interviewee reflect on their experiences, provide better insight, and help build a lasting connection.


How should you acknowledge the end of a scheduled informational interview?

Keep an eye on the time and acknowledge when the scheduled meeting is coming to an end.