This invention revolutionized personal transportation in the early 1900s
What is the automobile
This form of art did not want to depict realistic forms.
What is abstract art?
Movement to allow women to vote.
What was the suffrage movement?
Considered the first genocide of the 20th century.
What was the Armenian Genocide?
Major economic downturn that last more than 10 years.
What was the Great Depression?
This changed the society and industry providing safe lighting and increased industrial capacity.
What is electricity?
The first African American led arts movement.
Where was Harlam?
The US Constitution component giving women the right to vote.
What is the 19th Amendment
This empire was responsible for this mass killing of civilians during WWI.
Who were the Ottoman Empire/Turks?
Major event triggered the economic fall in 1929
What was the stock market crash?
Had a huge impact on communication and entertainment.
What is the radio?
Type of music made popular by NY artists and radio play.
What is jazz?
Like Charles Lindbergh, she was the first women to fly solo across the Atlantic.
Who was Amelia Earhart?
Labeled Pogroms, these mass killings of Jews occured in this country.
What is Russia?
US and other nations response to the economic crash.
What is Protectionism?
The North Carolina license plate. The Wright brothers are credited with the first.
What is flight/airplane?
Women who broke societal norms of dress and decorum during the 1920s.
What are flappers?
European nation who first allowed women the right to vote.
What is Sweden?
Japan invaded this nation and tried to make it "Japanese"
What is Korea?
The German economy impacted by paying war costs to France.
What are reparations?
Made the world smaller through personal communication
What is the Telephone?
One of the most famous early 20th century painters
Who is Picasso?
Leader of the women's voting movement.
Who is Elizabeth Cady Stanton?
This British educated lawyer became famous for spearheading the Indian independence movement.
Who was Gandhi?
This person was president at the start of the Great Depression and lost to FDR.
Who was Hoover?