Everytime we (Intimate) Touch
Sexual (Dys)function
STDs, If You Please
When I get that feeling, I want sexual heal(th)ing
Autonomic, Reticular & Limbic
What are the three main systems that are effected by touch?
Although sexualuality and intimacy are very important for these patients inappropriate sexual behaviors may occur such as exposing oneself, masturbating in public and making inappropriate sexual advances.
Who are patients with dementia?
The incidence of HIV is rising faster among this population than it is in those 24 years of age and younger.
Who are older adults?
The components of sexual health to consider when working with older adults.
What are physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being?
Gentle, Reassuring & Renewing
What are the results of nursing activities that involve touch?
In 2007 the National Social Life, Health, and Aging project (NSHAP) study reported that 50% or males and 25% of women participate in this activity.
What is masturbating?
Older adults have a high risk of contracting HIV during sexual intercourse do to decreased use of this form of contraception.
What are condoms?
Conducting this offers benefits to older adult patients such as increasing patient self-esteem, providing emotional support, and creating opportunities to identify STDs.
What is performing a sexual health assessment?
Social, Consent, Vulnerable, & Intimate
What are the zones of touch?
Programs are needed to increase awareness in this community where only 15% of the Area Agencies on Aging offer services tailored them.
What is the older adult LGBTQ community.
Dementia associated with this disease is rapid in onset, as opposed to the slow, progressive decline with Alzheimer’s Disease.
What is AIDS?
Items included in the PLISSIT model, a tool based on best practices for sexual assessment of older adults.
What are Permission, providing Limited Information, Specific Suggestions, and Intensive Therapy?
Satisfies the touch hunger.
What is using touch as a therapeutic tool?
To avoid sexual dysfunction what time is for older adults to engage in sexual activity.
What are mornings or whenever energy levels are highest?
In the last decade, rates of contraction for these sexually transmitted diseases have doubled among adults age 50 to 90 years old.
Chlamydia, Gonorrhea & Syphillis
Arthritis, Chronic pain, Dementia, Diabetes, Heart disease, Incontinence, Stroke, & Depression.
What are age-related morbidities that can interfere with sexual function in older adults?