Comparison Problems

On Saturday, 4,887 passengers rode on a local bus in Staten Island, and 1,107 passengers rode on the express bus. How many passengers rode on the two buses on Saturday?

What is 5,994 passengers


A zoo had 13,537 visitors one weekend, and an aquarium had 9,621 visitors. How many more visitors did the zoo get than the aquarium?

What is 3,916 visitors? 


Estimate the answer to this problem to the nearest thousand:

7,694 – 6,208 = _____

What is 2,000? 


Gwen is starting a dog-walking business after school. The route she walks forms a rectangle. If the length of the route is 4 blocks and the width of the route is 3 blocks, what is the total distance of the route?

What is 14 blocks?


A school district has 5,914 students in elementary school and 2,053 students in middle school. How many more students are in elementary school than in middle school?

What is 3,861 students? 


8,214 + 5,207 = ____ 

What is 13,421?


834,924 – 358,172 = _____

What is 476,752? 


Estimate the answer to this problem to the nearest ten thousand:

39,621 – 28,872 = _____

What is 10,000? 


Jeffrey wants to put extra tape around the outer edge of his rectangular kite to make sure it does not rip. His kite is 1 meter wide and 2 meters long. How many meters of tape does Jeffrey need?

What is 6 meters of tape?


There were 472 hot air balloon pilots at a hot air balloon race. There were 956 more ground crew members than there were pilots. How many pilots and ground crew members were there?

What is 1,900 pilots and ground crew members?


12,548 + 52,491 = _____

What is 65,039? 


38,207 – 28,278 = _____

What is 9,929? 


A company’s buses make 481,629 trips. A second company’s buses make 47,167 trips. Estimate to the nearest ten thousand how many trips the two companies’ buses make?

What is 528,000 trips?



Energy can travel as electric currents through wiring made with conductive metals. If the electric company wants to install new wiring around the perimeter of a rectangular area that is 12 miles long and 8 miles wide, how many miles of wire does the electric company need?

What is 40 miles of wire?


In 1963, a conservation group estimated there were only 417 nesting pairs of bald eagles in the lower 48 states. After many years of conservation efforts, the group estimated there were 9,789 nesting pairs in 2007. According to the group’s estimates, how many fewer nesting pairs were there in 1963 than in 2007?

What is 9,372 nesting pairs of bald eagles?


295,657 + 467,852 = _____

What is 763,509?


There are 85,740 seats in a sports stadium in New York. One year, 46,785 seats were sold to season ticket holders. How many seats were not sold to season ticket holders?

What is 38,955 seats? 

Estimate the answer to this problem to the nearest hundred thousand:

630,741 – 236,907 = _______

What is 400,000? 


Joseph wants to string lights around the perimeter of the ceiling of his front porch. The ceiling is shaped like a rectangle. If the the ceiling of the porch is 9 meters long and 8 meters wide, how many meters of lights does he need?

What is 34 meters?


There are 7,535 people at a concert. Then 1,928 more people buy tickets. How many people are at the concert?

What are 9,463 people? 


Which unknown digit correctly completes the addition statement?

3__4,581 + 149,906 = 484,487

What is 3? 


Which digit correctly completes the subtraction statement? 

4___5,692 – 250,017 = 165,675

What is 1? 


This year, 598,876 people attended a charity event. Last year, 212,543 people attended the event. About how many people attended the charity event in both years?

What is 800,000 people? 


The school wants to build a new trophy case. They know that the perimeter of the case will be 36 feet. They also know that the width can only be 3 feet. What is the length of the trophy case? 

What is 15 feet? 


For the Friday night game, 7,490 tickets are sold. For the Saturday night game, 5,439 tickets are sold. How many fewer tickets are sold for the Friday night game than for the Saturday night game?

What is 2,051 tickets?