What is the phrase used by FIRST that encourages a respectful attitude?
Gracious Professionalism
The submersible
Name 1 way to score
- parking in the observation zone
- placing samples in the net zone or in baskets
- placing specimen on the chambers
- ascending on the rungs
What size is the starting configuration of the robot constrained to? The robot can expand outside of this size when the game begins.
an 18 inch cube
What are the areas near the submersible that are marked with white tape called?
Ascent zones
What resource could we use if we had a question about the competition that is not stated in the game manual?
The Q & A System
What are the names of the two scoring elements?
(What are they called when clipped together?)
The sample and the clip
(a specimen)
How many points do we earn by scoring a single sample in the Low Basket?
4 points
What must be displayed on our Robot Sign
Team number and alliance color
Robot Inspection
Which team player is responsible for introducing specimen into the observation zone?
The team cannot interact with the robot during which points of the game?
During the autonomous period and when the clock reaches 0
How many motors is our robot limited to?
(Bonus: How many servos?)
8 motors
(12 servos)
Are we allowed to pre-load a sample before the match starts?
The Judging Interview
How long is the TELEOP (driver-controlled) period?
2 minutes
How many specimen or samples can the robot control at once?
What robot part has to be mounted in an accessible place?
The on/off switch
(Label must be added to indicate the location of the switch)
the human player can not ____ the game elements
Name one of the requirements of the team portfolio.
- must have a cover page with team number
- no more than 15 pages long
- 10 point font or larger
- Includes progress, challenges, and accomplishments of the season so far
What is the job of the Drive Coach?
To make decisions about how the team should score and communicate and coordinate with the two drivers
The human player cannot introduce specimen into the observation zone when _____.
there is a robot in the observation zone
How many points for scoring a specimen on the high chamber?
10 points