

What is the meaning of the word "survivor?"

A survivor is someone who has been in a tragedy that has lived through it.


What was the name of the ship the survivors were rescued by?

The ship that saved the survivors of the titanic was the Carpathia.


In a few sentences, describe what happened to the Titanic survivors after getting on the lifeboats.

After getting on the lifeboats, the Titanic survivors were left stranded in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean waiting for rescue. They were in a state of shock and disbelief, having just escaped from one of the worst maritime disasters in history. Many of them suffered from hypothermia due to the freezing temperatures of the water, and some were injured from the chaos of the sinking. The survivors were eventually rescued by the RMS Carpathia and taken to New York City to be reunited with their families and begin their long road to recovery.


What lesson about human resilience can be learned from the Titanic survivors?

The people who survived the Titanic shipwreck showed that they were really strong and brave. Even though they went through something really terrible, they didn't give up. Instead, they used their experiences to make a positive difference in the world and inspire others. This tells us that no matter how hard things get, we can be strong and keep going.


Define the term "lifeboat"

A lifeboat is something usually on ships in case something bad happens, and they load people into them so those people can be saved


How did the passengers feel when the rescue boats were loading?

People went crazy, and started jumping off the boat, and throwing their belongings with them, and some people were running for lifeboats, but for the most part, people tried to stay calm. 


Summarize the main challenges faced by the survivors in the lifeboats.

The survivors in the lifeboats on the Titanic faced several challenges, including the bitter cold, rough seas, lack of food and water, and the fear of being rescued too late. Many of them also had to cope with the trauma of losing loved ones and witnessing the sinking of the ship.


What can we learn about teamwork from the Titanic survivors' story?

The Titanic disaster taught us about the importance of teamwork. People on the ship worked together to help each other into the lifeboats and survive. Teamwork can help increase our chances of survival during a crisis.


Explain what "Titanic" means

Something with great power


Why were lifeboats crucial for the survivors of the Titanic?

Because the freezing temperatures of the water were to old for people to survive, they would die in the water, so lifeboats were crucial.


Briefly summarize the role of the lifeboats in the Titanic disaster.

The lifeboats played a crucial role in the Titanic disaster as they were used to evacuate passengers and crew from the sinking ship.


How did the experience of being in a lifeboat impact the survivors' view of life?

Surviving a lifeboat experience can have a profound impact on a person's view of life. The survivors in "Into the Lifeboat" faced danger and uncertainty, but emerged with a greater appreciation for life and a sense of gratitude for their survival. This shows that even in adversity, we can find strength and resilience, and that life is precious and should never be taken for granted.


Define the word tragedy 

Something really bad that happens.


How did the survivors' actions on the deck show bravery?

Even though the ship was sinking people stayed calm


Provide a short summary of the impact of the Titanic disaster on maritime (ocean) safety.

The Titanic disaster showed people that they need to put safety first, and not looks. They should include more life boats, and not care what the ship looks like.


What values like courage and hope are evident in the story of the Titanic survivors?

People had the courage to trust the officers on board and some of the passengers were able to get to safety.


What does the term unsinkable mean

something that is unable to sink


Why was the “caste system” important when loading the lifeboats?

People prioritized wealthy over poor, This was because the wealthy passengers had paid more for their tickets and were seen as more valuable to society. As a result, many of the lower-class passengers were left behind and perished when the ship sank. 


Summarize the emotional journey of a Titanic survivor from boarding the lifeboat to rescue.

The emotional journey of a Titanic survivor was a rollercoaster ride from panic and fear to relief and hope, followed by uncertainty and despair, and finally gratitude and overwhelming emotion upon being rescued.


What enduring message does the story of the Titanic survivors convey about the human spirit?

Despite the unimaginable hardships they faced, the survivors were able to come together and support each other in the aftermath of the disaster.