What was the main characters name?
Chris McCandless
Where was the final place Chris went?
Small animal, Fluffy Tail, Eats nuts
His first job, Created it when he was 8.
His own copy Buisness.
How many siblings did Chris have?
What was McCandlesses moms name?
Billie McCandless
What college did Chris go to?
Emory University
Flys, has wings, has a beak
His job in Bullhead City, Has to do with food.
McDonalds Worker
What years was the book set in?
The early 1990's
What is McCandlesses dads name?
Walt McCandless
Where did Chris grow up?
Largest animal he killed, He regretted killing it
His job in South Dakota, Has to do with farms
Grain Elevator operator
How many days was Chris in Alaska?
114 days
What is McCandlesses Sisters name?
Carine McCandless
Where was McCandless when he worked at McDonalds?
Bullhead City, Arizona
Things on the end of plants
Happened in his first year of college, has to do with the school
He wrote for the school newspaper
Where did Chris grow up?
El Segundo, California.
Who owned a gain elevator in Montana and gave Chris McCandless a job?
Wayne Westerburg
Where was McCandlesses job when he worked in a grain elevator?
South Dakota
The seed that killed McCandless
Hedysarum alpinum seeds
What he did when he went to houses, and asked people to buy what he was selling.
Selling windows.
Who was Chris closest to?
Wayne Westerburg