Geographical Genius
Can I have a word?
We The People
As above, so below
Final Jeopardy
[last round only]

The main character of this story dies in this US state.



The bare cliff, denuded by relentless rain, began to crumble when water gushed over the edge.

In context, "denuded" means...

Stripped bare by erosion


The name of the main character of this story is...

Chris McCandless


What is the name of the movement that we explored where philosophers believed one should live in isolation, reject authority, and rely on themselves for happiness?



The reader learns that the main character BEGINS his journey from what state on the east coast?



Double! Get 400 points if you answer this correctly.

A nomad with a car is referred to as a "rubber tramp" in the novel. So what is the term for a hitchhiker nomad with only a backpack?

Leather tramp


The main character changes his name when he embarks on his journey. What does he go by in chapter 2?

Alex Supertramp


Double: Get 400 points if you can name both famous authors for the philosophical movement we explored.

If you can name 1, you get 200 points. 

Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau.


The city of Carthage, where the main character stops in chapter 3, is in which US state? Clue: it's in the midwest...

South Dakota


The eremitic old man was a mystery to most in the town as he rarely ever made an appearance from his tiny shack in the forest.

What does eremitic mean here?

Like a hermit; reclusive or isolated


This is the name of the man who gives the main character a ride in chapter 1 [Alaska].

Jim Gallien


Emerson writes that the only person you can count on in life is yourself. What is the name of his famous essay about his own philosophical movement? 

Hint: we read excerpts from this essay last week.



DOUBLE! Answer this correctly with both answers, and get double points [800]. If you get 1 correct answer, you get regular points [400].

As mentioned in chapter 2, this is the name of the largest mountain within the Alaskan mountain range. It was later RENAMED, but is now reverting back to its original name [according to Trump] To get 800 points, I need BOTH names.

Mt. McKinley / Denali


The escarpment led to an optical illusion. It's a good thing Louie saw it, for he was mere steps from falling off a steep cliff.

What does escarpment mean here?

Steep ridges or cliffs forming a boundary for a plateau area.


This is the name of the man who gives the main character a job in chapter 3.

Wayne Westerberg


According to the philosophy of thought that we explored, the only way to get close to God is through...

Self-isolation / nature


Make your wagers!

Each team that is above 0 can bet up to as many points as their team has.

Category: professions


The main character of this story is last seen alive walking into what famous national park, notorious for its seclusion, isolation, and extreme cold temperatures?

Denali National Park


The passersby cringed when they overheard the desperate attempt of the ex-boyfriend to clumsily strum a mawkish love song on a guitar to a girl who clearly felt uncomfortable with the gesture.

Mawkish means...

Overly emotional to the point of being unpleasant.


This is the name of the journalist author who wrote Into The Wild.

Jon Krakauer

The Transcendentalist movement began in which century?

19th Century [1820-1830's]


According to chapter 3 of the text, Chris's parents expected him to go to graduate school for what profession?

Hint: Chris refused any help from his parents for this very expensive program and thus decided not to go to school for this profession. 
