Early Psych/Psych as a Science
Biological Psych
Behaviorism and Learning
Memory and Abnormal Psych
Social psych
This is the scientific study of behavior and the mind
What is Psychology
This is the part of the Central Nervous system where reflexes are processed
What is the Spinal Cord
This process is what happens when a neutral stimulus acquires the capacity to evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus.
What is Classical Conditioning
The capacity for short term memory is this number of "chunks," similar to a phone number
What is 7
This person's study about perceived line lengths showed that the size of the group and how similar the group's responses are could influence Conformity
What is the Asch Conformity Experiment OR Who is Solomon Asch
The father of Psychoanalysis. Known for interpreting dreams; the Id, Ego, and Superego; and the Oedipus Complex
Who is Sigmund Freud
Infants spend more time in this "high value"stage of sleep than adults
What is REM sleep?
This is the operant conditioning term used to describe the removal of an unpleasant stimulus to encourage a specific behavior or response to occur more often
What is Negative Reinforcement
This is a loss of the ability to encode and recall specific memories AFTER a certain incident has occurred
What is anterograde amnesia
Socially constructed expressions of favor or disfavor toward a person, group of people, place, thing, or event are more commonly known as
What are "attitudes"
A system of interrelated ideas used to explain a set of observations
What is a theory
This is the portion of the Brain responsible for processing sensory information, making deliberate movements, language, problem solving, memory, and other "higher order" brain functions
What is the Cerebrum OR What is the Cortex OR What is the Cerebral Cortex.
In this process, operant responses are typically established through a gradual process in which closer and closer approximations of the desired response are reinforced
What is Shaping
This is the reason it's easier for young children to remember the first and last parts of the alphabet, but to forget letters in the middle of the sequence
What is the Serial Position Effect
Censoring dissent, pressuring to conform, omitting contradictory evidence, and polarizing ingroup and outgroup are basic features of this.
What is Groupthink
When designing an experiment, the purpose of this is to ensure you isolate the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable
What is a control group, OR what is a placebo
This theory of audition states we hear different pitches because sound waves of different frequency displace different regions on the basilar membrane
What is Place Theory
Skinner said this schedule of reinforcement was the 'most powerful;' an example of this schedule would be a Slot Machine- people constantly use it, even though pays out randomly depending on how many times you pull the lever.
What is a Variable Ratio Schedule
This form of Therapy started by Rogers and Maslow focuses on unconditional positive regard, and is considered "patient centered" or "person centered"
What is Humanistic OR What is Humanism
An example of this "error" is thinking that you get high grades because you're smart, but your friend gets high grades only because that one teacher likes him.
What is the Fundamental Attribution Error
This states that a subject’s expectations may lead to behavior change in the absence of any effective treatment
What is the Placebo Effect
An example of this perceptual phenomenon would be watching the end of a very close basketball game, and failing to recognize someone in front of you has removed his shirt
What is Inattentional Blindness
Double Jeopardy! How much Do you want to wager
2 Part Answer- Viewing how a person's phobia for snakes developed in classical conditioning terms, the snake is the ____ and the fear is the ____.
Dr. Elizabeth Loftus has spent years arguing that Eyewitness testimony should not be trusted since, people confuse what happened with what they were told, shown, or thought about after the event, also known as this.
What is the misinformation effect
This is a cognitive fallacy found in self-help books like "The Secret" where people assume good things only happen to good people, and bad things only happen to bad people.
What is the Just World Hypothesis