Inter professional collaborative practice (IPP)
Professionals from at least two different fields work together for the good of a patient
Requirements to be audiologist
Doctorate degree, 1820 clinical hours, praxis exam, certificate of clinical competence
We learn our language through interaction with others
What areas do speech language pathologists practice?
Speech sound disorders, receptive & express language, fluency disorders, feeding & swallowing, auditory processing
What areas do audiologists work?
Hearing disorders, balance assessment
Two forms non verbal communication
Gestures, body movements,
Navistic theory
Biologically based theory- language is innate ( something u born with) physiologically determined and genetically transmitted
Factors for children to develop effective communication
Biological structures intact, cognitive function and social interaction
Three main components of language
Form, content, and use
Economic model of development say about barriers in environment
Also known as functional model. When language barrier gone then disability gone
What is meant by culture of person/group
customs, beliefs, language or anything that distinguishes them from another group
What are five sub components of language
Phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics
No child left behind
Teachers needed to be trained in evidence based interventions, that most benefit students
What does behavioral theory state about how we develop communication
We learn through operant conditioning/ imitation
A —— disorder may be in understanding or using language spoken or written
Language disorder