a plan for selecting or organizing color; warm, cool, neutral, monochromatic, analogous, complementary, split-complementary and triad
What is Color Scheme
an arrangement of colors in a circular format
What is the Color Wheel
a color not associated with a hue-such as black, white, or a gray
What is Neutral Colors
the results of mixing two primary colors in equal amounts; orange, green, and violet
What is Secondary Colors
a gradual change from light to dark
What is Shading
the intensity of a color-the brightness of a hue
What is Chroma
The name of a color
What is a Hue
colors that cannot be made by the artist - red, yellow, and blue
What is Primary Colors
the quality of brightness and purity of a color
What is Intensity
colors to which a lighter shade white has been added; a light value of a pure color; pink
What is Tint
any three colors spaced an equal distance apart on the color wheel
What is Color Triad
colors often associated with water, sky, spring, and foliage and suggest coolness; these are the colors that contain blue and green and appear on one side of the color wheel, opposite the warm colors
What is Cool Colors
colors produced by mixing unequal amounts of two primary colors; also known as tertiary colors
What is Intermediate Colors
colors associated with fire and the sun and remind people of warm places, things and feelings; red, yellow, and orange
What is Warm Colors
colors to which darker color or black has been added
What is Shade
colors that are directly opposite each other on the color wheel
What is Complementary Colors
different values of a single hue
What is Monochromatic Colors
a color scheme based on one hue and the hues on each side of its complement on the color wheel; orange, blue-violet, and blue-green
What is Split-Complement
the result of mixing varying amounts of a primary and secondary color
What is Tertiary Colors
colors that are closely related because they have one hue in common; analogous colors appear next to one another on the color wheel
What is Analogous Colors
the use of only one color and its different values in a work of art
What is Monochromatic
the shape of the main subject or object in a composition, and is defined in contrast to the background
What is Positive Shape