What are the four main parts of a plant?
Roots, Stem, Leaves, Flower
Name a biological benefit plants provide.
Name one of the four things needed to ensure seed germination.
Water, temperature, air, light
What is sexual propagation?
Male and Female pollinate flowers to create seeds
What is the function of petals?
Attract pollinators
Which plant part is primarily responsible for photosynthesis?
Name a physical benefit plants provide.
What are the six soil horizons?
O, A, E, B, C, R
What is asexual propagation?
What is the function of the pistil?
Female part: develops seeds
What plant part anchors it to the soil?
Name an emotional benefit plants provide.
Which soil horizon contains the most organic matter?
If you take a cutting from a plant, what percentage of the parent plant's genetic makeup will the new plant have?
What is the function of the stamen?
Male part: makes pollen
Which part transports water and nutrients throughout the plant?
Name an economic benefit plants provide.
Tax revenue
What happens in the "B" horizon of soil?
Minerals from upper horizons stop here
Give an example of asexual propagation.
Taking a cutting from a parent plant and planting them
What is the role of the sepal in a flower?
Protects the bud
Which part of the plant is responsible for reproduction?
How many categories of plant benefits are there?
Which soil horizon contains bedrock?
Give an example of sexual propagation.
Planting a seed
What is required to be a complete flower?
Contains all major flower parts including petals, sepals and both reproductive organs.