WPA and Mexican Muralism
Earth Art

This person started the New Deal and the Works Progress Administration. 

Who is Franklin Roosevelt?


The definition of Ephemeral Art.

What is art that only lasts for a short amount of time?


The group that asked: Do women have to be naked to get into the Met Museum?

Who are the Guerilla Girls?


Project that documents street art around the world.

What is the Global Street Art Project?


This artist created Spiral Jetty.

Who is Robert Smithson?


One of the Federal Art Project's main goals.

(Many answers) What is: stimulate economic recovery from the Great Depression, help the USA develop its own distinct style of art-making, project ideological frameworks to citizens and the world, etc. 


Ephemeral art came into prominence along with this group.

What is the Fluxus group?


The goal of feminist art.

(Multiple answers) What is: Art that seeks to challenge the dominance of men in both art and society, to gain recognition and equality for women artists, and question assumptions about womanhood?


This artist shredded his own painting.

Who is Banksy?


This idea was something introduced to the art world by Earth art, placing the artists at the vanguard because their pieces often required wide, open spaces, meaning that many of their works were not available to the average viewer and thus questioned the very purpose of art as something to be viewed.

What is site-specificity?


This sculptor worked to enroll black artists in the WPA, eventually directing the program at Harlem's Community Arts Center herself. 

Who is Augusta Savage?
Types of ephemeral art.

What are happenings, performances, sound sculptures, flyers, etc.


This artist creates sculptures, paintings, murals that envision new ways of inhabiting the world experimental societies to challenge pressing social issues such as women's rights, climate change, and mostly recently HIV/AIDS awareness.

Who is Niki de Saint Phalle?


Town with this mural.

What is Northfield, MN?


Earth Art was born from these two artistic movements.

What are Minimalism and Conceptualism?


The leading Mexican muralists.

Who are José Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera, and David Alfaro Siqueiros?


These artists created the Arc de Triomphe.

Christo and Jeanne-Claude


The question written on the Post-it notes that make up The Clothesline Project.

What is “As a woman, what I dislike most about my city is…”?


This popular music genre arose at the same time as graffiti.

What is hip-hop?


This sculptural series needed a special law stating that if you climb on them and fall that's no longer our problem. 

What is the Seven Magic Mountains?

The main themes shown in this painting by Diego Rivera.

(Many answers) What is: a simpler, more spiritually authentic way of living in contrast to the alienation and isolation of modern urban and industrial life, indigenous Mexican people and traditions, Mexican street life and labor in post-revolutionary Mexico, the calla lily being in Mexico as a symbol of colonization as it was originally from Southern Africa, etc.


The person who said: 

“I work with the earth. I make sculptures in the landscape. Because I have no motherland, I feel a need to join with the earth, to return to her womb.”

Who is Ana Mendieta?


This artist started The Clothesline Project.

Who is Mónica Mayer?


This artist once said: "To some people breaking into property and painting it might seem a little inconsiderate, but in reality the 30 square centimeters of your brain are trespassed upon every day by teams of marketing experts. Graffiti is a perfectly proportionate response to being sold unattainable goals by a society obsessed with status and infamy. Graffiti is the sight of an unregulated free market getting the kind of art it deserves."

Who is Banksy?


The goal of Earth art.

(Multiple Answers) What is: question what is art and the purpose of art as something to be viewed, bring art to the natural landscape and out of the gallery, challenge the idea of art as something to be commodified, etc.