Raw Materials Found in Nature
Natural Resources
The survival of any society depends on its ability to provide food, clothing, and shelter for its people. Because these societies face scarcity, decisions concerning WHAT, HOW, AND FOR WHOM to produce must be made
Defenition of Economic Systems
Supply Curve
Limited resources and unlimited wants and needs
Before creating Apple Steve Jobs was a
Knowledge, effort, and skills people bring to their work, also called labor
Human Resources
Tradition and custom govern decisions. Found in rural underdeveloped countries. (ex. Farming, hunting, and gatherings)
Traditional Economy
Demand Curve
Something that can be physically weighed or measured
Google was founded in what year
Things used to produce good/services, like buildings, material, and equipment
Capital Resources
Combination of a market and command economy
Mixed Economy
Supply and demand are equal
Opportunity Cost
What Businesses Provide
What was the first billion-dollar business
U.S Steel
The initiative to improve goods and services or create new ones
Entrenprenual Resources
Market economy system in which resources are privately owned
Amount of goods consumers are willing and able to buy
You depend on the business and they depend on you
Mutual Realationship
Whoi made the supply and demand curve
Augustin Cournot
All components necessary to produce a societies goods/services
Definition of Factors or Production
Moderate command economy where there is some form of private enterprise
If the price is up the stock/quantity is up
Law of Supply (Producer view)
knowledge, efforts, and skills people bring to work, also called labor
Human Resources
When was the first business created
5,000 years ago