End of WW2
Foreign Policy
Domestic Issues

This conference helped figure out what to do with Germany after WW2

The Yalta Conference 


The US foreign policy at the END of World War 2?

Contain communism 


Define civil disobedience and give one example 

Non-violent protest. Example: Boycotts


Winston Churchill called this boundary between the east and west...

The Iron Curtain 


This is where North and South Korea are divided. 

The Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) or the 38th parallel


Explain why the Cold War is considered Cold?

Because the two main superpowers after WW2, the US and the USSR never actually directly fought against each others military. They did sponsor other nations to fight for them 


Explain the goal of the Soviet Union after WW2?

To spread and expand communism wherever they could


Why did McCarthyism and the Red Scare emerge in the US?

The Soviets built their first atomic bomb, China was now Communist, and propaganda was spreading about communist spies in the US


Describe Satellite States

Bordering nations to the Soviet Union, who were oppressed by the Soviet influence. 


What is a proxy war?

Proxy means “representing someone else.” Although the United States and the Soviet Union did not fight each other directly, they fought indirectly by backing opposing sides in many smaller conflicts. (example: Korea & Vietnam)

Describe what happened to Germany and Berlin after WW2 and why this occured
Both Germany and Berlin were split into 4 zones of occupation. Each of the Allied nations took a piece to control after WW2 in order to support and rebuild Germany.

Explain the Truman Doctrine and the two main countries it helped

A US policy giving economic and military aid to free nations threatened by internal (Greece) or external (Turkey) opponents.


Describe the goal of McCarthyism and what was an unforseen consequence?

The practice of recklessly accusing someone of having relation to the communist party, based on forged accusation. Many people were blacklisted from their jobs especially those in the media. 


The two main alliances - tell me their names and countries from each

NATO nations supported democracy in their own countries and attempted to contain communism. NATO countries were the major beneficiaries of the Marshall Plan, a program from the United States to strengthen democratic governments by providing food and economic assistance to war-ravaged European countries to help them rebuild after the war.  An alliance created by the USSR which had the goal to spread communism. The Soviet Union had satellite states, which was controlled by the Warsaw Pact. 


This Supreme Court case overturned separate but equal 

Brown v. Board of Education. The Supreme Court decided that school segregation violated the equal protection of the law guaranteed under the 14th Amendment. Plessy v. Ferguson was the reason why schools were separate but equal, but it was overturned


Describe Capitalisms and give one strength and one weakness

An economic system in which people and businesses compete with one another to make profit. A strength of capitalism is that people can decide what goods are produced and sold. A weakness of capitalism is that workers in the lower classes struggled to gain wealth.


Goal of the Marshall plan

Plan created by George Marshall to supply 13 million dollars worth of supplies, machinery, and food into Western Europe to help rebuild. It was a spectacular success.


The main purpose of the G.I. Bill was?

To give American soldiers money for education, housing, business


Cause of Effect of the Berlin Airlift

East Berlin, held by the Soviet Union, blocked off the interaction between West and East Berlin. Because of this blockade, the US responded by flying supplies over to the residents of East Berlin. The US had transported tons and tons of supplies to East Berlin, and greatly helped the people residing there. The airlift also showed the Soviets that the blockade proved useless


The time period in the US after WW2 that saw an explosion in population. What was this and why did it occur?

The Baby Boom. Americans didn’t want to get married during the Great Depression and WWII, and there were joined in the nation’s maternity wards by young adults who were eager to start families.


Describe Communism and give one strength and one weakness

The ideology that wealth would be distributed equally, and the government holds control of all aspects of the economy. The government held all control of the businesses, to take care of the needs of the people. The government was able to dictate what jobs the people will perform, and created total order. The weaknesses were that the people would not be able to have individualism or their own job choice. 


Explain why the Soviet Union blocked its satellite states from accepting the Marshall Plan?

The Soviets did not want to seem weak and accept U.S. money/aid. The USSR forbid the satellite states from accepting money which negatively impacted their ability to grow and rebuild after WW2


Explain the historical context of the Little Rock 9 AND the result

 9 African American students showed up to attend classes at a high school in Little Rock, Arkansas under a court-ordered plan. Students tried for days to enter, but the governor of Arkansas sent troops to block them.  Behind the troops, angry mobs of children cursed at them and even spat on them.  Many yelled racial insults and threatened to lynch them if they entered. Eventually president Dwight D. Eisenhower had the US military escort the students in the school. 


Describe to me the events that took place during the Korean War. What caused it, what were the major events, and what was the result?

The Korean War began when some 75,000 North Korean soldiers poured across the 38th parallel. It was the first military action of the Cold War. At first, North Korea pushed South Korea all the way back to Pusan. Then the US helped South Korea almost reach the border of China. In the end, on July 27, 1953, things were basically back to normal. The war had lasted for over 3 years had it cost more than $15 billion. About 34,000 Americans and 1 million Koreans and Chinese died in the conflict. The results of the war upset some Americans because many Americans died for such limited results. Korea remains a divided nation.


Levittown is an example of this. Why were there so many after WW2?

Suburbs! More after WW2 because of the G.I. Bill and the Baby Boom.