Truth Tables
Circuits & Gates
Basics of Python
Python Statements
Create a Python Program

What are the three main types of logic used for truth tables?

And, or, not


How are or, if, & and gates represented?


What is the difference between the = and == operators?

= is to assign a value to a variable

== is used to compare the value of two variables


What does "elif" mean?

"else if" -- used when you need another if statement


Write a program that requests a percentage grade from the user and tells them what their letter grade is. If they input a negative number, tell them that is not a grade. 

A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79

D = 60-69

F = less than 60

def grade():

    percentage_grade = int(input("What is your percentage grade?"))

    if percentage_grade >= 90:

        print("Congrats! You have an A")

    elif percentage_grade >= 80:

        print("Nice job! You have a B")

    elif percentage_grade >= 70:

        print("You have a C")

    elif percentage_grade >= 60:

        print("You have a D")

    elif percentage_grade < 60:

        print("You are failing")

    elif percentage_grade < 0:

        print("How do you have a negative grade? Try again")



In notation, how are and, or, & not logic represented? (Hint: how would we notate them in a statement)

AND: ∧ and ·

OR: ∨ and +

NOT:  ¬


What are the definitions of gates and circuits?

Gate - performs a Boolean logic operation on one or more binary inputs and then outputs a single binary output

Circuit - a model of computation in which input values proceed through a sequence of gates, each of which computes a function.


What is the definition of modulus?

The remainder of a number after division of a certain number.


What does the operator "in" do?

Determines if a value is in a selection of values


Write a program that asks a user to input a number. If it is divisible by 5, return the number. If not, print no output.

def divisible_by_five():

    number = int(input("Please enter a number"))

    if number%5 == 0:

        print("Your number,", number, "is divisible by five")



Fill in the following truth table, with ~ meaning not.

p   ~p      q     ~p∧q

0    1       0         0

0    1       1         1

1    0       0         0 

1    0       1         0


Create a circuit from the following:

A ∧ (B ∨ C)

You got it


What is the result of this command? print ("5" + "3") 

A) 8 

B) "8"

C) "5" + "3" 

D) 53

D) 53


What would the output be for the following program?

si_days = ["Monday", "Wednesday", "Sunday"]

days_free = ["Wednesday", "Saturday", "Sunday"]

if "Monday" in si_days and "Monday" in days_free:

  print("You should go to SI on Mondays")

elif "Wednesday" in si_days and "Wednesday" in days_free:

  print("You should go to SI on Wednesdays")

elif "Sunday" in si_days and "Sunday" in days_free:

  print("You should go to SI on Saturdays")

>> You should go to SI on Wednesdays

>> You should go to SI on Sundays


Write a program that checks if "dog" is in the following list:

pets = ['cat', 'hamster', 'dog', 'bird', 'guinea pig']

pets = ['cat', 'hamster', 'dog', 'bird', 'guinea pig']

if 'dog' in pets:

    print("Yes, a dog is a pet")


Write a truth table for the following:

(¬A) ∧ (B ∨ C)

A    B    C      ¬A      B ∨ C      Output

0    0    0       1          0             0

0    0    1       1          1             1

0    1    0       1          1             1

0    1    1       1          1             1

1    0    0       0          0             0

1    0    1       0          1             0

1    1    0       0          1             0

1    1    1       0          1             0


Create a circuit for the following sequence:

(A ∧ B) ∨ (¬B ∧ C)

You got it


How do you limit input to only integers, floats, or strings?





What is the result of the following code, given an input of -1?

number = int(input("Enter an integer number: "))

if number >= 1:

   print("Your number is greater than 10")

elif number ==0:

   print("Your number is 0")

There would be no output.


Write a program that tells the user when to set their alarm clock. If they input that it is Saturday or Sunday, they need to wake up at 9 AM. If it is Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, the need to wake up at 7 AM. If it is Tuesday or Thursday, they need to wake up at 6 AM. If they enter something besides a day, tell them that is not a valid input. Additionally, make the input not case sensitive.

day = input("What day is it?")

if day == "Saturday" or day=="saturday" or day == "sunday" or day=="Sunday":

  print("You need to wake up at 9:00 AM")

elif day=="Monday" or day=="monday" or day=="Wednesday" or day=="wednesday" or day=="friday" or day=="Friday":

  print("You need to wake up at 7:00 AM")

elif day=="Tuesday" or day=="tuesday" or day=="Thursday" or day=="thursday":

  print("You need to wake up at 6:00 AM")


  print("That is not a day of the week")


Write a truth table for the following circuit:

A       B       ¬A     A∨B   ¬A∧B  (¬A∧B) ∨ (A)

0       0        1        0         0         0

0       1        1        1         0         1

1       0        0        1         0         1

1       1        0        1         0         1


Write a truth table for the circuit below:

See slideshow


What is the result of 127 % 21?



Consider the following example:

lst = [1, 2, 3]

print(1 in lst)

What would the output be?



Write a program that asks a user for the time, rounded to the nearest hour. Then, calculate and print what time it will be in four hours using a 12-hour clock (e.g, 1 pm instead of 13:00)

time = int(input("What time is it currently, rounded to the nearest hour? "))

in_four_hours = (time+4)%12
