Criminal Justice Today
Causes of Crime
Defining and Measuring Crime
Defining and Measuring Crime cont.
public drunkenness, prostitution, and gambling.
What are public order crimes or victimless crimes?
A specialist in the field of crime and the causes of criminal behavior.
What is a Criminalist?
The branch of law dealing with the definition and enforcement of all private or public rights, as opposed to criminal matters.
What is Civil Law?
An annual report compiled by the FBI to give an indication of criminal activity in the United States.
What is the UCR?
Wrong in themselves; a description applied to crimes that are characterized by universality and timelessness.
What is mala in se?
A criminal justice model in which the majority of citizens in a society share the same valuesand beliefs. Criminal acts are acts that conflict with these values and beliefs and that are deemed harful to society.
What is Consensus Model?
A school of criminology based on the belief that individuals have free will to engage in any behavior, including criminal behavior.
What is Classical Criminology?
The person or institution that initiates a lawsuit in civil court proceedings by filing a complaint.
Who is the Plaintiff?
Murder, Rape, Robbery, Assault, Burglary, Theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson.
What are UCR part one offenses?
Offenses that are illegal because laws define them as such.
What is mala prohibita?
Like the family, schools, organized religion, the media, and the law, criminal justice is a(n):
What is Institution of social control?
A school of the social science that sees criminal and delinquent behavior as the result of biological, psychological and social forces.
What is Positivism?
In a civil court, the person or institution against whom an action is brought .
Who is the Defendant?
The principle that a policy should provide the greatest happiness shared by the greatest number.
What is utility?
An act that is illegal for a juvenile but would not be a crime if committed by an adult.
What is a status offense?
A politically defined geographical area where you have the authority to work.
What is Jurisdiction?
An approach to ethical reasoning in which the correct decision is the one that results in the greatest amount of good for the greatest amount of people.
What is Utilitarianism?
The degree of proof required to find the defendant guilty in a criminal trial.
What is Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?
An imaginary agreement to sacrifice a minimum amount of liberty necessary to prevent anarchy and chaos.
What is a social contract?
A criminal justice model that places primacy on the rights of the individual to be protected from the power of the government.
What is the Due Process Model?
A criminal justice model that places primary emphasis on the right of society to be protected from crime and violent criminals.
What is Crime Control Model?
An explanation of a happening or circumstance that is based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning.
What is a Theory?
A descriptive term for acts that are inherently wrong, regardless of whether they are prohibited by law.
What is Mala in se?
A product of the Enlightenment period, based on the assumption that people exercise free will and are thus completely responsible for their actions.
What is Classical Theory?
A measure of the incidence of crime expressed as the number of crimes per unit of population or some other base.
What is crime rate?